1. 添加联系人信息
2. 删除指定联系人信息
3. 查找指定联系人信息
4. 修改指定联系人信息
5. 显示所有联系人信息
6. 清空所有联系人
头文件 结构体和相应函数的定义,声明
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory.h> #define MAX 1000 #define NAME_LENGTH 20 #define SEX_LENGTH 5 #define AGE_LENGTH 3 #define TELE_LENGTH 20 #define ADDR_LENGTH 30 /* 结构体 用于储存通讯录人员信息 */ struct ContactsUser { char name[NAME_LENGTH]; char sex[SEX_LENGTH]; /* VS编译器下scanf_s对于长度有安全保护 因此采用字符数组保存年龄 */ char age[AGE_LENGTH]; char tele[TELE_LENGTH]; char addr[ADDR_LENGTH]; }; /* 结构体 将上一个结构体装起来 同时创建变量记录人数 */ struct Contacts { struct ContactsUser person[MAX]; int user_count; }; typedef struct Contacts *pContacts; int add_contacts(pContacts pcon);//添加函数 int dele_contacts(pContacts pcon);//删除函数 int clear_contacts(pContacts pcon);//清空函数 int find_contacts(pContacts pcon);//查找函数 int modify_contacts(pContacts pcon);//修改函数 void show_contacts(pContacts pcon);//显示函数 void menu();//主菜单</span>
#include "contacts.h" /* 各个功能函数 */ /* 菜单 */ void menu() { printf(" Contacts \n"); printf("\n"); printf("1. Add the users_info \n"); printf("2. Delete the users_info \n"); printf("3. Clean all the users_info \n"); printf("4. Find the users_info \n"); printf("5. Modify the users_info\n"); printf("6. Show all the users_info\n"); printf("7. exit\n"); printf("\n"); } /* 查询实体函数 用于将输入的用户特征和储存进行比较(strcmp) 方便其他功能函数的调用 */ int find_entry(pContacts pcon) { int i = 0; char name[NAME_LENGTH]; printf("please input name:"); scanf_s("%s", name,NAME_LENGTH); for (i = 0; i < pcon->user_count; i++) { if (strcmp(pcon->person[i].name, name) == 0) //输入和存储进行比较 { return i; } } return -1; } /* 增添函数 */ int add_contacts(pContacts pcon) { if (pcon->user_count == MAX) { printf("Telephone book is full!\n"); return -1; } else { printf("Please input name:"); /* scanf_s安全函数 应该添加控制长度的参数 */ scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[pcon->user_count].name, NAME_LENGTH); /* 数组从下标为0到下标为user_count-1 ,则在user_count处操作 */ printf("Please input sex:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[pcon->user_count].sex, SEX_LENGTH); printf("Please input age:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[pcon->user_count].age, AGE_LENGTH); printf("Please input tele:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[pcon->user_count].tele,TELE_LENGTH); printf("Please input addr:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[pcon->user_count].addr, ADDR_LENGTH); pcon->user_count++;//添加结束 人员数目增加1 return 1; } } /* 删除函数 */ int dele_contacts(pContacts pcon) { int i = 0; int ret = find_entry(pcon);//定义ret 接收find_entry的返回位置 if (ret != -1) { for (i = ret; i < pcon->user_count - 1; i++) { pcon->person[i] = pcon->person[i + 1]; } pcon->user_count--; return 1; } else { printf("not exist!\n"); return -1; } } /* 清空函数 */ int clear_contacts(pContacts pcon) { memset(pcon->person,0,MAX); /* memset函数 在一段内存中填充给定的值 是对较大结构体或数组清零的最快方法 */ pcon->user_count = 0; //count 赋值0 进行清零 return 1; } /* 查找函数 */ int find_contacts(pContacts pcon) { int ret = find_entry(pcon);//定义ret 接收find_entry的返回位置 if (ret != -1) { printf("name:%-5s", pcon->person[ret].name, NAME_LENGTH); printf("sex:%-5s", pcon->person[ret].sex, SEX_LENGTH); printf("age:%-5s", pcon->person[ret].age, AGE_LENGTH); printf("tele:%-5s", pcon->person[ret].tele, TELE_LENGTH); printf("addr:%-5s", pcon->person[ret].addr, ADDR_LENGTH); return 1; } else { printf("not exist!\n"); return -1; } } /* 修改函数 */ int modify_contacts(pContacts pcon) { int ret = find_entry(pcon);//定义ret 接收find_entry的返回位置 if (ret != -1) { printf("Please input name:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[ret].name, NAME_LENGTH); printf("Please input sex:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[ret].sex, SEX_LENGTH); printf("Please input age:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[ret].age, AGE_LENGTH); printf("Please input tele:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[ret].tele, TELE_LENGTH); printf("Please input addr:"); scanf_s("%s", pcon->person[ret].addr, ADDR_LENGTH); return 1; } else { printf("not exist!\n"); return -1; } } /* 显示函数 */ void show_contacts(pContacts pcon) { int i = 0; printf("\tname\tsex\t\tage\t\ttele\t\t\taddr\n"); for (i = 0; i < pcon->user_count; i++) { printf("%10s\t", pcon->person[i].name); printf("%5s\t", pcon->person[i].sex); printf("%10s\t", pcon->person[i].age); printf("%15s\t", pcon->person[i].tele); printf("%20s\t", pcon->person[i].addr); } printf("\n"); }</span>
#include "contacts.h" /* 主函数 */ int main() { int input = 1; //定义一个输入 初始化 struct Contacts user; user.user_count = 0;//为user_count进行初始化 menu(); while (input) { printf("\n enter you choice(0-7):\n"); scanf_s("%d", &input); switch (input) //switch-case 使用不同的功能函数 { case 1: add_contacts(&user); break; case 2: dele_contacts(&user); break; case 3: clear_contacts(&user); break; case 4: find_contacts(&user); break; case 5: modify_contacts(&user); break; case 6: show_contacts(&user); break; case 7: printf("Thanks for use!\n"); break; default: printf("input error!\n"); break; } } return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-12 00:55:35