How Not to Crash #2: Mutation Exceptions 可变异常(不要枚举可变的集合)

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How Not to Crash #2: Mutation Exceptions 可变异常problemsoloveDisagree with meMutable collections should not be part of public API(可变集合不应该是公开API的一部分)潜在问题的代码改进后的代码性能问题Bonus points: don’t believe their lies(从Bug中得到的教训)

How Not to Crash #2: Mutation Exceptions 可变异常


You get a collection from somewhere and enumerate it — and then you get an error about the collection being mutated as it was being enumerated. (在遍历可变数组的时候,数组被修改了.)The app crashes.


You can avoid this unhappy fate with one simple trick: don’t enumerate mutable collections.(不要枚举可变集合)

Disagree with me

You might hold the reasonable position that the real answer is not to mutate a mutable collection while enumerating it. You should have enough understanding of your app to be able to write code that safely enumerates a mutable collection.

Yes, you should. You absolutely should.

However: writing crash-free code is about removing doubt. It’s about minimizing the chances for errors, and minimizing the chance that future changes (by you or somebody else) introduce a crash.

Mutable collections should not be part of public API(可变集合不应该是公开API的一部分)

It should be extremely rare — or, better, never — that an object has a public property that is a mutable collection. Mutable collections should be internal to the object.(可变集合最好,尽可能的不要作为一对象的公开属性.可变的集合应该作为一个内部的变量.)

(Furthermore, as much as possible, public collections should be read-only. This isn’t always possible, of course.[公开的集合属性应该是只读的,尽可能做到这点])


Now, it’s entirely likely that an object has a public collection that is internally a mutable collection. Think of an object that tracks operations. It might make the following public:

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *operations;

And internally there’s this:

@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *mutableOperations;(NSArray *)operations {

return self.mutableOperations;


  • (NSArray *)operations {

    return self.mutableOperations;

That’s perfectly legal code: because mutableOperations is an NSMutableArray, it’s also an NSArray. (I did it this way for years. I thought to myself, “Hey, I’m a grownup. I can handle it.” But what I didn’t realize was that grownup developers write code to make errors less likely.)

Properties specified as immutable should be immutable in fact

In the above example, you’re advertising operations as an array that can be enumerated safely at any time. Another person — or you yourself, looking at this in six months — won’t necessarily realize that really you’re getting back a mutable array that can’t necessarily be safely enumerated.


Here’s the truth-in-advertising solution:

(NSArray *)operations {

return [self.mutableOperations copy];


(It wouldn’t hurt to modify the property declaration also to make it clear that it’s a copy, but I admit that I don’t always do that. It would have the advantage of making it completely clear to the user of the API what’s going on.)


You might push back, citing performance or memory use issues or both — but I’ll admit something: I’m a performance junkie, and I spend an inappropriate amount of time in Instruments making sure things are fast and use a non-weird amount of memory. And I’ve never, ever found this to be a problem. If your app has performance or memory use issues, the problem is something else, not these copies. (Though you might consider using @autoreleasepool so that these copies don’t last very long.)

Make the copy.

Bonus points: don’t believe their lies(从Bug中得到的教训)

I recently fixed a mutation error when enumerating NSTextStorage layoutManagers:

@property (readonly, copy) NSArray *layoutManagers;

Obviously it’s safe to enumerate. It’s an NSArray, it says, and it’s a copy. Cool. Enumerate away.

But it’s a lie. In the debugger I found that it’s an NSMutableArray (__NSArrayM) — and that it’s not a copy at all. It’s NSTextStorage’s _layoutManagers instance variable, which is declared as an NSMutableArray.

And some code in my enumeration block did a thing that triggered a mutation in layoutManagers, and the app crashed.

The answer: enumerate a copy of layoutManagers. Problem solved.

There’s a general point: if you’re getting a collection from code that isn’t yours, it doesn’t hurt to be defensive and enumerate a copy.


时间: 2024-11-06 07:24:45

How Not to Crash #2: Mutation Exceptions 可变异常(不要枚举可变的集合)的相关文章

linux 可变类型与不可变类型

Python的每个对象都分为可变和不可变,主要的核心类型中,数字.字符串.元组是不可变的,列表.字典是可变的. 可变类型和不可变类型有些地方区别很大,注意区分. 对不可变类型的变量重新赋值,实际上是重新创建一个不可变类型的对象,并将原来的变量重新指向新创建的对象(如果没有其他变量引用原有对象的话(即引用计数为0),原有对象就会被回收). 不可变类型 以int类型为例:实际上 i += 1 并不是真的在原有的int对象上+1,而是重新创建一个value为6的int对象,i引用自这个新的对象. 可以


知识点:Python中,万物皆对象. python中不存在所谓的传值调用,一切传递的都是对象的引用,也可以认为是传址. 一.可变对象和不可变对象 Python在heap中分配的对象分成两类:可变对象和不可变对象.所谓可变对象是指,对象的内容可变,而不可变对象是指对象内容不可变. 不可变(immutable):int.字符串(string).float.(数值型number).元组(tuple) 可变(mutable):字典型(dictionary).列表型(list) 不可变类型特点: 看下面的

OC基础 可变字典与不可变字典的使用

OC基础 可变字典与不可变字典的使用 1.不可变字典 1.1创建不可变字典 //创建字典 //注意: //1,元素个数是偶数 //2,每两个元素是一个键值对 //3,值在前,键在后 NSDictionary *dic = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"huang",@"name",@"30",@"age", nil]; NSLog(@"%@",


本文和大家分享的主要是python中可变对象与不可变对象相关内容,一起来看看吧,希望对大家学习python有所帮助. 什么是可变/不可变对象 · 不可变对象,该对象所指向的内存中的值不能被改变. 当改变某个变量时候,由于其所指的值不能被改变,相当于把原来的值复制一份后再改变,这会开辟一个新的地址,变量再指向这个新的地址. · 可变对象,该对象所指向的内存中的值可以被改变. 变量(准确的说是引用)改变后,实际上是其所指的值直接发生改变,并没有发生复制行为,也没有开辟新的出地址,通俗点说就是 原地改


可变参数:参数可变. 格式:方法名(参数类型… 参数名) 当使用可变参数定义函数时,函数在调用时,可以一次传入该类型的多个实际参数. 可变参数的定义会在执行时将这些实际参数组织成数组,可变参数的参数名就是数组名. 可变参数与数组类型不能重载,因为二者本质上是一样的 可变参数必须放在最后


OC内部:可变对象和不可变对象的深(复制)拷贝问题思考: 不可变对象: 例如NSString对象,因为NSString对象是常量字符串,所以,不可以更改其内容,但是可以修改指向该字符串的指针指向.当对NSString对象做深拷贝时,如果是copy复制方式,其实就是浅复制,只是复制了同一个对象的指针:如果是mutableCopy复制方式,系统会分配一个新的内存空间用来存放复制出来的NSMutableString对象,此时地址是新的,内容是一样的,他们正在被不同的实例变量字符串指针指着. 可变对象:

Python 可变对象和不可变对象

具体可以看这里: 不可变对象:int,string,float,tuple 可变对象   :list,dictionary 可变对象和不可变对象在 python 中,如字面意思一样,可变对象一旦创建之后还可改变但是地址不会发生改变,即该变量指向的还是原来的对象.而不可变对象则相反,创建之后不能更改,如果更改则变量会指向一个新的对象. 举个栗子: >>> s = 'abc' # 不可变对象 >&g


Python在heap中分配的对象分成两类:可变对象和不可变对象.所谓可变对象是指,对象的内容是可变的,例如list.而不可变的对象则相反,表示其内容不可变. 不可变对象:int,string,float,tuple 可变对象   :list,dictionary 对于全局变量来说,可变对象和不可变对象有很大的不同. 一.不可变对象 由于Python中的变量存放的是对象引用,所以对于不可变对象而言,尽管对象本身不可变,但变量的对象引用是可变的.运用这样的机制,有时候会让人产生糊涂,似乎可变对象变


#define NSLog(FORMAT, ...) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",[[NSString stringWithFormat:FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String]); #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { //可变数组继承不可变数组 //1.创建.设定元素个数进行创