configure for build qt5.3.1 static windows/linux


configure -debug -static -opensource -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -prefix f:\Qt5.3.1\win32_static_2013


configure -debug -opensource  -static -platform linux-g++  -no-ssse3 -no-sse4.1 -no-sse4.2 -no-avx -qt-xcb -no-dbus -qt-zlib  -no-qml-debug -qt-libpng  -qt-libjpeg  -nomake examples  -no-nis -no-gtkstyle   -no-openvg -prefix ~/qt531_static

configure for build qt5.3.1 static windows/linux

时间: 2024-10-07 12:25:59

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