How to use groovy script on jenkins

1. Install groovy plugin

2. Add a step of groovy. (normal & systerm)

3. Execute groovy script

import jenkins.model.*

def q = Jenkins.instance.queue

q.items.findAll{‘ttt‘) }.each{ q.cancel(it.task) }

Above script is cancel all pending build in queue.

Additional info:

install groovy :

GVM (the GroovyenVironment Manager)
This tool makesinstalling Groovy on any Bash platform (Mac OSX, Linux, Cygwin, Solaris orFreeBSD) very easy.

Simply open a newterminal and enter:

$ curl -s | bash

Follow theinstructions on-screen to complete installation.

Open a newterminal or type the command:

$ source "$HOME/.gvm/bin/"

Then install thelatest stable Groovy:

$ gvm install groovy

After installationis complete and you‘ve made it your default version, test it with:

$ groovy -version

That‘s all thereis to it!

时间: 2024-08-08 10:53:25

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