iOS 6 By Tutorials ---第一章--【第一弹】-【翻译】

iOS 6 By Tutorials(pdf 文档)  By the Tutorial Team


Chapter 1:Introduction  --第一章:入门介绍

iOS 6 introduces an abundance of great new APIs and technologies that all iOS developers should learn – from Auto Layout, to Collection Views, to Passbook, to the new literal syntax that makes code so much more compact – and that’s just the start! In fact, there’s so much new stuff that learning it all via the official API docs can be time-consuming and difficult – especially when you have other responsibilities beckoning.

iOS6 引入了大量的新的api和技术,需要所有的iOS开发者学习-从自动布局,到collectionView、passwork(这是一款可以存放登机牌、会员卡和电影票的工具)、新的字面量,这些技术是代码更简洁,并且这仅仅知识开始!实际上,通过官方的api文档学习这些新技术是非常耗时和困难的,尤其是当你还有其他的事情要做。

This is where iOS 6 by Tutorials comes to the rescue! In this book, you will be able to learn these new topics in a much more efficient way – by building real apps through fun and easy-to-read tutorials!

这就是这本书要做的!在这本书中,你将会用更有效的方式学会这些新技术--通过又去简单的教程 建立真正的项目。

And when it comes to tutorials, you’re in the right place. The tutorials in this book guide you from being an iOS 6 API beginner to a master. You’ll go far beyond the mere surface of a subject and will dive in deep – you’ll find material here you simply won’t find anywhere else. Through hands-on practice you’ll gain the knowledge you need to apply these new APIs in your apps – and you’ll have a ton of fun along the way!

当开始这个教程的时候,你应该在正确的地方。这本书的教程将会帮助你从一个iOS6 API的新手到精通。你将会深刻的理解这些技术而不是表面理解--你将会在这里发现其他地方没有的例子。你需要在你的应用中使用这些新的APIs,通过实践获得这些知识,在这个过程中你会得到很多快乐。

The Tutorial Team and I have been excited about iOS 6 from the very first day it was announced at WWDC. We hit the ground running, taking a “divide and conquer” approach where we each selected just a few topics to pursue with intense focus. This allowed each of us to spend our energy concentrating on a small set of topics in detail, rather than spreading our research too thin and tiring ourselves out in the process.

The raywenderlich.com团队和我在WWDC大会上宣布iOS6的第一天起就十分兴奋。我们立即快马加鞭地开始,采用了“分而治之”的方法,我们每个人选择不同的方面深入研究。这需要我们每个人花费大量的精力在一个方面的研究上,而不是研究的很宽,但深度不够并且还让自己很累!

In the end, this is a huge benefit for YOU – you’ll be able to learn these new APIs and technologies from someone who’s really spent a lot of time digging into it, in an easy and fun way. You’ll learn the material in a fraction of the time it took us, and avoid much of the learning curve and common mistakes.


So get ready for your personal tour through the amazing new features of iOS 6! By the time you are done, your iOS knowledge will be completely up-to-date, and you’ll be ready to add this exciting, spanking-new functionality to your own apps.

Sit back, relax, and prepare for some fun and informative tutorials!



Who this book is for

This book is for intermediate or advanced iOS developers, who already know the basics of iOS development but want to upgrade their skills for iOS 6.

If you’re a complete beginner, you can follow along with this book as well, because the tutorials always walk you through in a step-by-step manner. But there may be some missing gaps in your knowledge. To fill in these gaps, you might want to go through the iOS Apprentice series available through the store.




iOS 5 by Tutorials

Last year, the Tutorial Team came out with its first book, iOS 5 by Tutorials. The book was a great success, hence the writing of this book – effectively its sequel.

Note that iOS 5 by Tutorials and iOS 6 by Tutorials are completely different books, with completely different content.

iOS 5 by Tutorials covers the new APIs introduced in iOS 5, and similarly iOS 6 by Tutorials covers the new APIs introduced in iOS 6. There are so many new APIs introduced with each version of iOS, that each release warrants an entirely new book with unique chapters.

iOS 5 by Tutorials is not required reading for this book, although if you haven’t mastered the new APIs introduced in iOS 5 (like Storyboards, ARC, or Core Image), reading it would definitely help. In many respects, this book picks up in knowledge where the other book left off.

iOS5 教程



iOS 5的教程涵盖了iOS 5中引入的新api,类似的iOS 6教程涵盖了iOS 6中引入的新api。每个版本的iOS都有新的APIs引入,每次发行都是一本新书的认证。

虽然阅读它会有一定的帮助,你也没有掌握iOS5引入的新的APIs(Storyboards,ARC,CoreImage),但是你并不需要iOS5教程这本书。 在许多方面,这本书里的知识是其他的书中没有涉及到或是不要的!

How to use this book

This is the biggest book we’ve ever written – currently at over 1,200 pages and counting! It’s the equivalent of two or more average books in terms of page count – making this book a great value, packed with content.

This book is large because we wanted to provide you with the most detailed information possible on these topics, so that you really understand how to use these APIs in your own apps. However, we realize everyone has busy schedules, and it is unlikely most readers will have time to read this entire massive tome cover-to-cover.

As such, we suggest a pragmatic approach – pick and choose the subjects that interest you the most, or the ones you need for your projects, and jump directly to  those chapters. Most chapters are self-contained, so there will not be a problem if

you go through them in non-sequential order.

Looking for some recommendations of important chapters to start with? Here’s our suggested Core Reading List:

• Chapter 2, “Programming in Modern Objective-C”

• Chapter 3, “Beginning Auto Layout”
• Chapter 5, “Beginning UICollectionView”
• Chapter 7, “Beginning Passbook”

That covers the “Big 4” topics of iOS 6, and from there you can dig into other topics
that are particularly interesting to you.







•第三章 ”开始自动布局“

•第五章 "开始CollectionView"

•第七章 "开始Passbook"

这涵盖了iOS 6的“四大”的主题,并且从这些你可以钻研其他你感兴趣的技术。

时间: 2024-12-29 12:48:38

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