
What employers are looking for obviously varies from job to job, but many businesses like hiring recent graduates for one or more of the following reasons. Remember these advantages when putting together your resume and preparing for interviews。

1.You Understand a Valuable Demographic That Is Hard to Reach

Nearly all businesses and non-profit organizations want to capture the attention and wallets of the consumer demographic you belong to, 18- to 24-year-olds. But they often struggle to understand the demographic’s mindset, motivations, purchasing behaviors, and communication styles. Having someone like you who’s in the demographic can help the company to design products, craft messaging, and deliver delightful customer experiences to this important target audience。

2.Technology and Social Media Is Part of Your DNA

Businesses want to reach prospects, customers, employees, and vendors through technology. Senior execs realize that there is untapped potential in Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp, mobile apps, etc. But they may not know the most effective ways to use these tools. As someone who has most likely grown up with computers and other technology, you intuitively grasp how to use things like social media that can confuse older generations。

3.You Are Willing to Take Risks

As businesses innovate and experiment with new ways of doing business, they need team members who are eager to contribute and willing to take on projects with uncertain outcomes. The ability to learn from failure is particularly valuable。

4.You Are a Blank Slate in Terms of Company Knowledge

Many managers prefer to hire people who they can shape to thrive in a unique environment. In the past, they may have become frustrated with seemingly qualified employees who were too bound to standard industry practices and business models. Your lack of experience means that you can easily adopt your new employer’s way of doing business。

5.You Aren’t Afraid to Ask Questions

Long-time employees may think that asking questions reveals inadequacies, so they often keep quiet. And when you ask questions, your boss generally really appreciates it. Asking questions demonstrates you are eager to learn, have wrestled with an issue (rather than ignoring it), desire to have a deep understanding。

6.Travel Is Exciting to You

Many entry-level positions involve extensive travel. Such jobs may require long hours in the field not only during the typical workweek but also on the weekend. Further, there may be an expectation that you show enthusiasm and effectively represent the company to consumers, vendors, and colleagues on these visits. When you‘re young (and likely haven‘t started a family yet), traveling is a lot easier and more likely to be seen as a fun adventure rather than an inconvenience。

7.Relocation Is Not a Problem

Employers may have difficulty attracting employees to certain locations. Hiring managers may have tried to extend job offers that were rejected because candidates did not want to uproot themselves and their families. As a new grad, you may be more likely to move for a decent opportunity. Plus, you can accept changing locales multiple times early in your career to gain valuable experiences。

8.You Are Passionate About Work

Employers want employees who love their jobs. Self-motivated people who find meaning in their work are generally productive, supportive of coworkers, and promote workplace harmony。

9.You Are a Bargain

In times of recession and recovery alike, companies are cautious about spending. Though many organizations are willing to pay top dollar for the best talent with a history of successes, some are hesitant to overburden their budgets with payroll expenses. You may be attractive to companies who want capable employees but don’t have a lot of extra cash. As a new grad, you may be more likely to accept a lower-than-average salary in order to gain experience and exposure to clients in your field。

10.Your Knowledge Is Fresh and Up-to-Date

Hiring managers may welcome a recent grad as a cost-effective way to bring up-to-date knowledge to their businesses. Fresh out of school, you‘ve likely been studying the newest practices in your field, possibly with prominent research professors。

11.You Are Primed to Learn All Aspects of the Business

You just came out of college — a concentrated period of time when you were exploring all aspects of your course of study. That means that when you enter the workplace, you’re primed to learn all aspects of the business, whether or not they’re directly relevant to the task at hand。

12.You‘re Good at Multitasking

About that aforementioned versatility... employers often need someone who can handle multiple tasks at once and move among assignments as needed. Most employees must maintain a strong focus on their areas of accountability in order to meet both company performance requirements and career goals. You just spent years of college learning how to multitask and prioritize —balancing different classes and subjects, extracurricular activities, and probably living on your own for the first time。

13.You Are a Fountain of New Ideas

Businesses need people who offer a steady influx of new ideas and question existing methods. You probably have a much different base of reference from your boss — you know about different movies and music, have different hobbies, and know different people —all of which can help you think in different ways. As a result, you can brainstorm and share innovative ideas nearly effortlessly。

14.You Are Results-Oriented

Smart companies are moving towards a results only work environment — a system in which employees are evaluated by their productivity instead of the hours they turn in. Employees in this system are flexible go-getters. If a project requires extra hours to finish, you all order a pizza and stay late to do it. But if you finish early, the whole team can take off early and catch a movie。

15.You Thrive on Change

Adaptability in a fast-changing world is a desirable attribute. Companies must keep up with trends, technology, and more. So many companies especially appreciate employees who not only adapt to, but also embrace change。

16.You Are Collaborative

Studies have shown that thanks to things like new communication technology and a focus on in-class teamwork, new college graduates are more interested in working together and prepared to collaborate than previous generations。

17.You Represent the Future

Even when the job market seems tight, don‘t give up. It‘s tight for everyone right now. Yeah, you may not have years of experience or tons of contacts. But there are so many great reasons for employers to hire you. You just spent a significant amount of time training in your field. Couple that with some enthusiasm and eagerness to do a good job, and you‘re a great candidate。


时间: 2025-01-13 08:18:06



「前端,有发展“钱”途」 前端发展随着互联网大时代如火如荼的进行着,Web前端技术依靠其自身在页面交互效果上强大的功能属性受到了众多企业的青睐.这不仅是在北上广,很多一二线城市都是如此. 无论是你使用的智能手机,还是iPad,还是pc电脑等等,前台的页面样式都需要前端开发工程师来编写实现,也因此市场上的移动应用Web前端岗位空缺有增无减,专业的Web前端工程师供不应求,前景广阔. 所以学好前端,是有前景可图的. 姑且不论BAT大厂校招时十几K的月薪,在广州普通的互联网公司前端程序员月薪七八千也是


什么公司什么情况下会招应届毕业生?(没有工作经验怎么找工作?/没有项目经验怎么办?)  如果没有什么背景,刚出来的时候别人是看不起的.别人不认识你,凭什么看得起.你说你也有你的骄傲,你的骄傲别人不知道,如果你没有那么牛的背景,偷不来,抢不来,那就要好好修炼内功,用内秀来证明自己,来把别人比下去. 公司不招应届生,那应届生是不是就没戏了?当然是不可能的. (1)首先要搞清楚两个概念,这两个概念很多人都会混淆.一个叫"工作经验",一个叫"项目经验".很多人说工作经验不就


找工作的两大步骤 一.简历 首先我们说简历,一份好的简历是让别人还没有接触你的时候,就对你印象颇深.简历就好比你相亲时提供给对方的资料,未见其人,那就先从一份资料中了解这个人怎么样.如何把简历写的漂亮,是一门很深的学问.一份好的简历可以在整个申请面试以及面试过程中起到非常好的作用.在不特别夸大自己能力的情况下,写出一份好的简历是一项很强的能力,以后都能用到. 如果是比较大的公司,有非常严格的面试流程,首先第一关就是HR的筛选简历,由于大公司的面试特别多,HR在选简历的时候都是十几秒就会把你的简历


0.不是前言的前言      这两天折腾来折腾去,算是把自己卖了.相比很多人来说我算是比较幸运的,找工作也还算顺利,但一顿折腾下来还是身心俱疲,一度连轴转过一个月中间没有一天休息,累得恨不得跳了小月河.我不经常逛BBS,发言也不多,算上几次失物招领贴和寻物启事贴,加起来发的帖子纵使手指头数不过来,加上脚趾头肯定够了. 之所以写这么长的文章,是对自己过去几个月来的经历的一个总结,也是希望自己的教训能够让大家少走一些弯路.我一直认为,找工作绝对不是你有我就没有的一 个零和游戏,而是一个大家互相帮助互


1.思考能力 "善于思考"是应届生简历上的高频词汇,但在实践中,具备独立思考能力的应届生少之又少. 职场中要求的"思考能力"并不是让你进入哲学领域去思考历史走向.人文变迁.岁月流逝,而是当你在工作中遇到问题时,能尝试想出解决方法.很多应届生在工作中遇到一丁点问题,想都不想张口就问.职场不是学校,主管更不是老师,老师的专职工作就是为你答疑解惑,可主管也有自己的活要做.影响双方工作效率的同时,更不利于自身提升. 如果你想过还找不到解决思路,便可和主管交流.把你的思考路径


摘自  北邮人论坛  分享他人成功的求职经历.原文如下: 唉,妹子本来是本着写面经的态度与大家分享,之自己情况也是想说明一啥都不会的菜鸟在悲催的逆境下也可以凭自身努力找到offer,没想到被评为作秀...妹子能力背景确实和说的一样,但是从9月开始不是天天熬夜看了一个多月的书吗?菜鸟也可以拼命锻炼翅膀的... 妹子还是把背景舍去,只写面经吧   妹子是cs土著一枚,折腾了半年找工作,现在貌似也是尘埃落定了,手里还有2个offer待定,还在纠结中. 妹子开始找工作时间挺晚,是9月7号左右,之前完全没


最近,有很多读者通过微博.微信与本人交流.感觉大家对于学习.对于技术都非常的有热情,让我也学到了很多东西. 我提取了几个大家比较关心的问题予以答复,请有相同疑问的朋友参考一下. 问题1:数学对程序员重要吗? 答复:要回答这个问题,我举一个身边的例子. 我们项目组有两个同时入职的员工(比我晚一年入职),一个是研究生毕业,一个是本科毕业.前者在校成绩很好,几乎每门数学课都考了90分以上:后者在校成绩马马虎虎,但据说写程序很厉害.他们同时进行入职培训,同样有指导老师教,同时转正.大半年之后,我无意间打


近期,有非常多读者通过微博.微信与本人交流.感觉大家对于学习.对于技术都非常的有热情,让我也学到了非常多东西. 我提取了几个大家比較关心的问题予以答复,请有相同疑问的朋友參考一下. 问题1:数学对程序猿重要吗? 答复:要回答这个问题,我举一个身边的样例. 我们项目组有两个同一时候入职的员工(比我晚一年入职),一个是研究生毕业,一个是本科毕业.前者在校成绩非常好,差点儿每门数学课都考了90分以上:后者在校成绩马马虎虎,但据说敲代码非常厉害.他们同一时候进行入职培训,相同有指导老师教,同一时候转正.


找工作的高峰期已经结束了,不出意外下周就要签三方了,这次找工作感觉对自己还是挺重要的,也算是自己人生中的一件大事,毕竟是自己的地一份工作,因此记录下来,算是自己学生生活的一次总结,也希望给师弟师妹们一点启发. 首先,要感谢我的母校--华中科技大学,没有这个优秀的学校做后台,我想自己根本没有机会去面试所谓的bat等公司,说真的,在学校期间真的没学到什么,至少没做过什么有价值的项目,太失败了-- 对于华科的计算机研究生来说,要想找到一份工作还是很轻松的,但要想找到好的工作,进入所谓的bat,还是需要