How to Re-Enable NPAPI and Recover Citrix Receiver Chrome Plugin

To improve Chrome’s security and stability, Google announced late
last year that NPAPI plugin support, a capability we’ve depended on for years, will be disabled by default in Chrome in April 2015. The NPAPI plugin that Receiver for Windows and Mac install enables Receiver for Web to detect that Receiver is installed and
enables users to launch applications simply by clicking on them. The removal of NPAPI support will affect user experience for users who access Citrix Receiver for Web using the Chrome browser on Windows and Mac.

1. Users will be prompted to install Citrix Receiver every time they access the Receiver for Web site.

2. An ICA file will be saved when users try to launch an application or desktop. They have to click the ICA file at the bottom of the browser to activate the launch.

3. Workspace control will be disabled on Windows.

While we are actively working on new technology that will replace our dependency on NPAPI plugins, there are some workarounds you can take in the short term. Here are what you can do.

Re-Enable NPAPI

1. Open Chrome and browse to chrome://flags/#enable-npapi

2. Click the Enable NPAPI setting.

3. After that, click “Relaunch Now” at the bottom of your Chrome window. Note: Closing and reopening Chrome is not sufficient, you must click the “Relaunch Now” button.

Recover Citrix Receiver Chrome Plugin

1. Run the tool (refer to Receiver
Clean-Up Utility
) to clean-up a corrupt or previous installation of Citrix Receiver.

Note: If using Windows, check in Control Panel > Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs that the Citrix Receiver software is no longer present.

2. Restart your computer.

3. Download and install the latest Citrix

After completing the preceding procedure, complete the following steps:

1. Open Settings on Google Chrome.

2. Click Show advanced settings…

3. Under Privacy, click Content settings….

4. Under Plug-ins, click Disable individual plug-ins…

5. Click Disable for Citrix ICA Client.

Note: If Disable option is not available, confirm that the latest version of Citrix Receiver is installed for your operating system. For the latest version of Citrix Receiver, click here.

In addition to this, enable Google Chrome to automatically launch the ICA files. When the launch.ica file downloads inGoogle Chrome, click the drop-down list for the file in the download bar
and select Always Open Files of This Type.

时间: 2024-10-31 23:36:31

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