Oracle Schema Objects——Tables——Overview of Tables

Overview of Tables

A table is the basic unit of data organization in an Oracle database.


A table describes an entity, which is something of significance about which information must be recorded.


A table is either permanent or temporary.


Relational tables


Relational tables have simple columns and are the most common table type.




heap-organized table

A heap-organized table does not store rows in any particular order. The CREATE TABLE statement creates a heap-organized table by default.



index-organized table

An index-organized table orders rows according to the primary key values. For some applications, index-organized tables enhance performance and use disk space more efficiently.

它按主键值对行进行排序。 对于某些应用程序,索引组织表可以增强性能并更有效地使用的磁盘空间


external table

An external table is a read-only table whose metadata is stored in the database but whose data in stored outside the database.是一个只读表,它的元数据存储在数据库中,但其数据存储在数据库外

Object tables


The columns correspond to the top-level attributes of an object type.


Columns and Rows


A table definition includes a table name and set of columns.


1、A column identifies an attribute of the entity described by the table.


virtual column


  • A table can contain a virtual column, which unlike a nonvirtual column does not consume disk space.


  • The database derives the values in a virtual column on demand by computing a set of user-specified expressions or functions.


  • For example, the virtual column income could be a function of the salary and commission_pct columns.

例如虚拟列 income 可能是 salary 列和 commission_pct 列的一个函数。

2、 A row is a collection of column information corresponding to a record in a table.


create a table


1、In general, you give each column a column name, a data type, and a width when you create a table.


2、CREATE TABLE Statements

CREATE TABLE employees
    ( employee_id    NUMBER(6)
    , first_name     VARCHAR2(20)
    , last_name      VARCHAR2(25)
         CONSTRAINT     emp_last_name_nn NOT NULL
    , email          VARCHAR2(25)
        CONSTRAINT     emp_email_nn NOT NULL
    , phone_number   VARCHAR2(20)
    , hire_date      DATE
        CONSTRAINT     emp_hire_date_nn NOT NULL
    , job_id         VARCHAR2(10)
        CONSTRAINT     emp_job_nn NOT NULL
    , salary         NUMBER(8,2)
    , commission_pct NUMBER(2,2)
    , manager_id     NUMBER(6)
    , department_id NUMBER(4)
    , CONSTRAINT     emp_salary_min
                     CHECK (salary > 0)
    , CONSTRAINT     emp_email_uk
                     UNIQUE (email)
    ) ;

3、ALTER TABLE Statements

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD ( CONSTRAINT     emp_emp_id_pk
                       PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
    , CONSTRAINT     emp_dept_fk
                       FOREIGN KEY (department_id)
                         REFERENCES departments
    , CONSTRAINT     emp_job_fk
                       FOREIGN KEY (job_id)
                         REFERENCES jobs (job_id)
    , CONSTRAINT     emp_manager_fk
                       FOREIGN KEY (manager_id)
                         REFERENCES employees
    ) ;

时间: 2024-10-12 15:36:10

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