C4D Object Types(R16)

Oarray Array.
Oatomarray Atom array object.
Oattractor Particle attractor.
Obackground Background.
Obase Base object. (BaseObject)
Obasedeform Base deform object.
Obend Bend deformer.
Obezier Bezier Subdivision Surface.
Obone_EX Deprecated (Bone).
Oboole Boolean.
Obulge Bulge deformer.
Ocamera Camera. (CameraObject)
Ocapsule Capsule object.
Ocharacter Character object.
Ocmotion CMotion object.
Ocone Cone object.
Oconnector Connector object.
Ocube Cube object.
Ocylinder Cylinder object.
Odeflector Particle deflector.
Odestructor Particle destructor.
Odisc Disc object.
Oenvironment Environment.
Oexplosion Explosion deformer.
Oexplosionfx Explosion FX object.
Oextrude Extrude Subdivision Surface.
Offd FFD.
Ofigure Figure object.
Ofloor Floor.
Oforeground Foreground.
Oformula Formula deformer.
Ofractal Fractal object.
Ofriction Particle friction.
Ogravitation Particle gravitation.
Oheadphone Headphone.
Oinstance Instance.
Ojoint Joint object.
Olathe Lathe Subdivision Surface.
Olight Light.
Oline Line.
Oloft Loft Subdivision Surface.
Oloudspeaker Loudspeaker.
Omelt Melt deformer.
Ometaball Metaball.
Omicrophone Microphone.
Onull Null object.
Ooiltank Oil-tank object.
Oparticle Particle emitter. (ParticleObject)
Oparticlemodifier Particle modifier.
Oplane Plane object.
Oplatonic Platonic object.
Oplugin Plugin object - pass the plugin ID.
Opluginpolygon Polygon plugin object.
Opoint Point object. (PointObject)
Opolygon Polygon object. (PolygonObject)
Opolyreduction Polygon reduction object.
Opyramid Pyramid object.
Orelief Relief object.
Orotation Particle rotation.
Osds SDS (Subdivision Surface) object. (SDSObject)
Oselection Selection object.
Oshatter Shatter deformer.
Oshear Shear deformer.
Oshowdisplacement Show displacement.
Osinglepoly Single polygon object.
Oskin Skin deformer.
Osky Sky.
Osphere Sphere object.
Ospherify Spherify object.
Ospline Spline object. (SplineObject)
Ospline4side 4-sided spline object.
Osplinearc Arc spline object.
Osplinecircle Circle spline object.
Osplinecissoid Cissoid spline object.
Osplinecogwheel Wheel spline object.
Osplinecontour Contour spline object.
Osplinecycloid Cycloid spline object.
Osplinedeformer Spline deformer object.
Osplineflower Flower spline object.
Osplineformula Formula spline object.
Osplinehelix Helix spline object.
Osplinenside N-sided spline object.
Osplineprimitive Spline primitive.
Osplineprofile Profile spline object.
Osplinerail Spline rail object.
Osplinerectangle Rectangle spline object.
Osplinestar Star spline object.
Osplinetext Text spline object.
Ostage Stage.
Osweep Sweep Subdivision Surface.
Osymmetry Symmetry object.
Otaper Taper deformer.
Otorus Torus object.
Otube Tube object.
Oturbulence Particle turbulence.
Otwist Twist deformer.
Owave Wave deformer.
Oweighteffector Weight effector.
Owind Particle wind.
Owinddeform Wind deformer.
Oworkplane Work plane.
Owrap Wrap deformer.
Oxref XRef object.
时间: 2024-12-14 11:09:56

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