


时间限制:1000 ms
 |  内存限制:65535 KB



Peipei likes swimming. Strange that he always swims from a
coner to the counter corner in

the way bellow(that means Peipei must swim to the other site
and back, then go to the other site

corner),  as is  shown in Figure  P1

Figure P1    The pool and the way of

Now the problem comes to you is: what is the least distance
peipei has to swim ?


There are several test cases, one line for each case. For
each line,There are two number of
positive integers of the
width and height. Width and Height are between l and 10 000,
Input is ended with Width = Height = 0.


Output each least distance in a single line, round the
result to the nearest integer, e.g. 1.3
rounds to 1, 1.8
rounds to 2, 123.456 rounds to 123, 123.5 rounds to 124, 124.5
rounds to 125.


1 1
1 2
2 1
0 0








 1 #include<stdio.h>
2 #include<math.h>
3 int main()
4 {
5 double w, h;
6 while( scanf ("%lf%lf", &w, &h) != EOF && w && h )
7 {
8 double x, y;
9 x = w * 2 / 3;
10 y = 2*sqrt(x*x/4.0+h*h) + sqrt( (w/ 3.0) * (w/ 3.0 ) + h*h );
11 printf("%.0lf\n", y);
12 }
13 return 0;
14 }


时间: 2024-08-24 06:18:55


【Virtual Judge】E - 特别水的题5-Wilbur and Swimming Pool

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1. 个性大于共性. 2. 差异较大的个性间具有某些相同的行为. 3. 相同行为的实现方式有较大区别. 给你三个对象,分别是鲫鱼.鲤鱼.金鱼,仍然让你设计基类来概括它们之间的联系,那么你第一个意识到的肯定是它们都属于鱼类,其次是他们游泳的方式可能稍有差异,这时就应当使用抽象基类而不是接口,对比着上面的例子,原因有三条: interface ISwim { void Swim(); } public class Person : ISwim { public void Swim() { //Swi

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C#OOP之八 继承 接口和抽象类

继承 在现实生活中有所谓的"种瓜得瓜.种豆得豆"的说法,在生物学概念上就是"遗传"的概念,在面向对象中"继承"就类似于生物学中的遗传,通过继承,可以更好的实现代码的重用(复用,多次使用的意思).增加扩展性.简化代码等. 下面是现实生活中的引用: 定义与使用继承 继承一次最常用的就是通过合法程序(比如遗嘱)从别人那里接受财产或爵位等,有点类似于世袭制. 另外一个含义,是人从父母那里继承一些特征,如果孩子从父母继承的身高.相貌等特征.那么在什么情况下

redux 初步理解

p.p1 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545 } p.p2 { margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px } span.s1 { font: 12.0px "PingFang SC" } 派发一个 action 给 reducer, r


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Inverted sentences

And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. 除非临到了别离的时候,爱永远不会知道自己的深浅. 这是个倒装句,因为ever位于句首,句子要倒装,it是形式主语,has been是谓语,that从句是真正的主语从句,until后为状语 倒装句 在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后.这类语序被称为“自然语序”.但有时为了强调句子的某一部分,或由于其它诸如语法结构或