Security1:Create Login

Login 用于登陆SQL Server

1,Create Sql Server login

with password=‘J345#$)thb‘

PASSWORD =password

Applies to SQL Server logins only. Specifies the password for the login that is being created. You should use a strong password. For more information see Strong Passwords and Password Policy.

Passwords are case-sensitive. Passwords should always be at least 8 characters long, and cannot exceed 128 characters.  Passwords can include a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and most non-alphanumeric characters. Passwords cannot contain single quotes, or the login_name.


Specifies the default database to be assigned to the login. If this option is not included, the default database is set to master.


Specifies the default language to be assigned to the login. If this option is not included, the default language is set to the current default language of the server. If the default language of the server is later changed, the default language of the login remains unchanged.

2,Creating a login from a Windows domain account

CREATE LOGIN [<domainName>\<login_name>]


Specifies the name of the login that is created. When you are creating logins that are mapped from a Windows domain account, you must use the pre-Windows 2000 user logon name in the format [<domainName>\<login_name>].

3,Next Steps

After creating a login, the login can connect to the Database Engine, but only has the permissions granted to the public role. Consider performing the some of the following activities.


时间: 2024-08-09 14:45:43

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