

Return the __dict__ attribute for a module, class, instance, or any other object with a __dict__ attribute.
Objects such as modules and instances have an updateable __dict__ attribute; however, other objects may have write restrictions on their __dict__ attributes (for example, classes use a dictproxy to prevent direct dictionary updates).
Without an argument, vars() acts like locals(). Note, the locals dictionary is only useful for reads since updates to the locals dictionary are ignored.


  1. 当函数不接收参数时,其功能和locals函数一样,返回当前作用域内的局部变量。

>>> v1 = vars()
>>> l1 = locals()
>>> v1
{‘__name__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__builtins__‘: <module ‘builtins‘ (built-in)>, ‘v1‘: {...}, ‘l1‘: {...}, ‘__spec__‘: None, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘__package__‘: None, ‘__loader__‘: <class ‘_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter‘>}
>>> l1
{‘__name__‘: ‘__main__‘, ‘__builtins__‘: <module ‘builtins‘ (built-in)>, ‘v1‘: {...}, ‘l1‘: {...}, ‘__spec__‘: None, ‘__doc__‘: None, ‘__package__‘: None, ‘__loader__‘: <class ‘_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter‘>}

  2. 当函数接收一个参数时,参数可以是模块、类、类实例,或者定义了__dict__属性的对象。

>>> import time
>>> vars(time)
{‘gmtime‘: <built-in function gmtime>, ‘tzname‘: (‘?D1ú±ê×?ê±??‘, ‘?D1ú??á?걑), ‘timezone‘: -28800, ‘struct_time‘: <class ‘time.struct_time‘>, ‘ctime‘: <built-in function ctime>, ‘perf_counter‘: <built-in function perf_counter>, ‘mktime‘: <built-in function mktime>, ‘localtime‘: <built-in function localtime>, ‘time‘: <built-in function time>, ‘__package__‘: ‘‘, ‘altzone‘: -32400, ‘clock‘: <built-in function clock>, ‘strptime‘: <built-in function strptime>, ‘monotonic‘: <built-in function monotonic>, ‘__loader__‘: <class ‘_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter‘>, ‘get_clock_info‘: <built-in function get_clock_info>, ‘sleep‘: <built-in function sleep>, ‘process_time‘: <built-in function process_time>, ‘__name__‘: ‘time‘, ‘_STRUCT_TM_ITEMS‘: 9, ‘__spec__‘: ModuleSpec(name=‘time‘, loader=<class ‘_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter‘>, origin=‘built-in‘), ‘__doc__‘: ‘This module provides various functions to manipulate time values.\n\nThere are two standard representations of time.  One is the number\nof seconds since the Epoch, in UTC (a.k.a. GMT).  It may be an integer\nor a floating point number (to represent fractions of seconds).\nThe Epoch is system-defined; on Unix, it is generally January 1st, 1970.\nThe actual value can be retrieved by calling gmtime(0).\n\nThe other representation is a tuple of 9 integers giving local time.\nThe tuple items are:\n  year (including century, e.g. 1998)\n  month (1-12)\n  day (1-31)\n  hours (0-23)\n  minutes (0-59)\n  seconds (0-59)\n  weekday (0-6, Monday is 0)\n  Julian day (day in the year, 1-366)\n  DST (Daylight Savings Time) flag (-1, 0 or 1)\nIf the DST flag is 0, the time is given in the regular time zone;\nif it is 1, the time is given in the DST time zone;\nif it is -1, mktime() should guess based on the date and time.\n\nVariables:\n\ntimezone -- difference in seconds between UTC and local standard time\naltzone -- difference in  seconds between UTC and local DST time\ndaylight -- whether local time should reflect DST\ntzname -- tuple of (standard time zone name, DST time zone name)\n\nFunctions:\n\ntime() -- return current time in seconds since the Epoch as a float\nclock() -- return CPU time since process start as a float\nsleep() -- delay for a number of seconds given as a float\ngmtime() -- convert seconds since Epoch to UTC tuple\nlocaltime() -- convert seconds since Epoch to local time tuple\nasctime() -- convert time tuple to string\nctime() -- convert time in seconds to string\nmktime() -- convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch\nstrftime() -- convert time tuple to string according to format specification\nstrptime() -- parse string to time tuple according to format specification\ntzset() -- change the local timezone‘, ‘strftime‘: <built-in function strftime>, ‘asctime‘: <built-in function asctime>, ‘daylight‘: 0}

>>> vars(slice)
mappingproxy({‘__ne__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__ne__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__getattribute__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__getattribute__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__reduce__‘: <method ‘__reduce__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘start‘: <member ‘start‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘indices‘: <method ‘indices‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__ge__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__ge__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘stop‘: <member ‘stop‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__eq__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__eq__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘step‘: <member ‘step‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__hash__‘: None, ‘__doc__‘: ‘slice(stop)\nslice(start, stop[, step])\n\nCreate a slice object.  This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).‘, ‘__repr__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__repr__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__le__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__le__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__gt__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__gt__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>, ‘__new__‘: <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x6A91B420>, ‘__lt__‘: <slot wrapper ‘__lt__‘ of ‘slice‘ objects>})

>>> class A(object):

>>> a.__dict__
>>> vars(a)
>>> = ‘Kim‘
>>> a.__dict__
{‘name‘: ‘Kim‘}
>>> vars(a)
{‘name‘: ‘Kim‘}
时间: 2024-08-13 23:20:55



Python内置函数 Python内置(built-in)函数随着python解释器的运行而创建.在Python的程序中,你可以随时调用这些函数,不需要定义.最常见的内置函数是: print("Hello World!") 在Python教程中,我们已经提到下面一些内置函数:基本数据类型 type()反过头来看看 dir()   help()    len()词典 len()文本文件的输入输出 open()循环设计 range()   enumerate()    zip()循环对象


先列出所有的python内置函数,可以看到还是挺多的. abs()        求给定数的绝对值. all()          传入一个列表,只有当列表中所有元素都是真时,该函数返回真. any()        传入一个列表,只要列表中有一个元素为真,该函数即返回真. ascii()       执行对象中的__repr__方法.该函数在python2.7中已弃用. bin()         将给定的值转换成二进制. bool()       判断真假. bytearray()     


Python之路Python内置函数.zip().max().min() 一.python内置函数 abs() 求绝对值 例子 print(abs(-2)) all() 把序列中每一个元素做布尔运算,如果全部都是true,就返回true, 但是如果是空字符串.空列表也返回true 例子 print(all([1,2,'1',''])) 输出结果 False 例子2 print(all('')) 输出结果 True any() 把序列中每一个元素做布尔运算,如果有一个为true就返回true, 但

【转】Python 内置函数 locals() 和globals()

Python 内置函数 locals() 和globals() 转自: 1>这两个函数主要提供,基于字典的访问局部变量和全局变量的方式. python 使用叫做名字空间的东西来记录变量的轨迹.名字空间是一个字典 ,它的键就是字符串形式的变量名字,它的值就是变量的实际值. 名字空间可以像 Python 的 dictionary 一样进行访问. 在一个 Python 程序中的任何一个地方


python内置函数1: # max,min高级玩法 # l=[1,3,100,-1,2] # print(max(l)) # print(min(l)) # # # print(list(zip(('a','n','c'),(1,2,3)))) # print(list(zip(('a','n','c'),(1,2,3,4)))) # print(list(zip(('a','n','c','d')


本文和大家分享的主要是python内置函数数据运算类相关内容,一起来看看吧,希望对大家学习python 有所帮助. abs abs(x) 求绝对值 · X可以是整型,也可以是复数 · 若X是复数,则返回复数的模 >>> abs(-1)1>>> abs(-3+4j)5.0>>> bin bin(x) 将整数x转换为二进制字符串 >>> bin(2)'0b10'>>> bin(3)'0b11' bool bool([x]


使用Python内置函数:bin().oct().int().hex()可实现进制转换. 先看Python官方文档中对这几个内置函数的描述: bin(x)Convert an integer number to a binary string. The result is a valid Python expression. If x is not a Python int object, it has to define an __index__() method that returns a

python基础9 -----python内置函数

python内置函数1 一.python内所有的内置函数: 二.python内常用的内置函数: 三.python内内置函数详解: 1.数学运算函数: 2.集合类函数: 3.逻辑类函数: 4.映射类函数: 5.IO操作:

Python 内置函数sorted()有哪些高级用法?

本文和大家分享的主要是python内置函数sorted()的相关内容,一起来看看吧,希望对大家学习python有所帮助. 1.对于 Python 内置函数 sorted() ,先拿来跟list(列表)中的成员函数 list.sort() 进行下对比.在本质上,list的排序和内建函数sorted的排序是差不多的,连参数都基本上是一样的. 2.主要的区别在于, list.sort() 是对已经存在的列表进行操作,进而可以改变