Problem: The World Final II(NEUOJ1175)排序+动态规划

The World Final is coming! Next week our seniors, Brother Head, Little Bin and God Tan will fight for the glory of NEU.

The rule of the world final is as follow:

1. if two teams have the different solved problems, then the one who have more solved problems will get higher rank;

2. if two teams have the same solved problems, then the one who have less penalty, which equals 0 initially, will get higher rank;

3. if one team get first AC of a problem, then their penalty will add a number which equal the time they first AC it, and if they tried failed k times to solve it before they AC it, then they will get more k*20 penalty;

4. the total time of the world final is 300 (including 300), and begin at time 0.

Now our seniors know how long will they solve each problem and how many times will they failed before they AC it. They wanna take a best strategy to get higher rank.

There are T groups of test data. The first line contains one positive integer T (1<=T<=100).

For each test data : the first line contains an integer n(1<=n<=15), which is the number of total problems. Then follows n line, each line contains two numbers: ti and ki,(1<=ti<=300, 0<=ki<=1000) which means how long will they AC it (not the time they AC it), and how many times they failed before they AC it.


In the second sample input, they solve the 2nd problem firstly, then solve the 1st problem, solve they solved 2 problems in total, and penalty=(2+100*20)+(292+2*20)=2334.

For each case, output one line contains two numbers separated by a space: the most number of problems they can solve, and the less penalty in that case.

Sample Input
2 2 290 2 299 1 3 290 2 2 100 299 1
Sample Output
1 319 2 2334
No Hint!




using namespace std;

class ti
int ft,ts;
bool operator <(const ti &b)const//重载操作符
return true;
return false;

ti dp[50];

int main()
int t;
int n;
int num[310]={0},time[310]={0};
int x=0,y=0x3f3f3f3f;//0x3f3f3f3f近似极大值
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int j=300;j>=dp[i].ft;j--)
else if(num[j]-num[j-dp[i].ft]==1)//过题数部不变但是时间减少的情况
else if(num[j]-num[j-dp[i].ft]==0)//可增加过题数的情况
// printf("%d :num%d=%d time%d=%d\n",i,j,num[j],j,time[j]);
else if(num[j]>x)
printf("%d %d\n",x,y);
return 0;

时间: 2024-10-02 16:31:52

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