text-decoration:[ text-decoration-line ] || [ text-decoration-style ] || [ text-decoration-color ] 默认值:


[ text-decoration-line ]:指定文本装饰的种类。相当于CSS2.1的 text-decoration 属性,

可取值:none | underline | overline | line-through | blink (Firefox1.0及Opera4.0开始支持blink,其它浏览器尚不支持)

[ text-decoration-style ]:指定文本装饰的样式。[ text-decoration-color ]:指定文本装饰的颜色。 :下面请看实例代码:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh-cn">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="author" content="Joy Du(飘零雾雨), [email protected], www.doyoe.com" />
.test li{margin-top:10px;}
.test .none{text-decoration:none;}
.test .underline{text-decoration:underline;}
.test .overline{text-decoration:overline;}
.test .line-through{text-decoration:line-through;}
.test .blink{text-decoration:blink;}
.test .text-decoration-css3{
text-decoration:#f00 dotted underline;
<ul class="test">
<li class="none">无装饰文字</li>
<li class="underline">带下划线文字</li>
<li class="overline">带上划线文字</li>
<li class="line-through">带贯穿线文字</li>
<li class="blink">带闪烁文字</li>
<li class="text-decoration-css3">如果你的浏览器支持text-decoration在CSS3下的改变,将会看到本行文字有一条红色的下划虚线</li>

时间: 2024-07-28 20:07:48

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