mongotop 读写性能检测



mongotop returns time values specified in milliseconds (ms.)

mongotop only reports active namespaces or databases, depending on the --locks option. If you don’t see a database or collection, it has received no recent activity. You can issue a simple operation in the mongo shell to generate activity to affect the output of mongotop.


Contains the database namespace, which combines the database name and collection.

Changed in version 2.2: If you use the --locks, the ns field does not appear in the mongotop output.


New in version 2.2.

Contains the name of the database. The database named . refers to the global lock, rather than a specific database.

This field does not appear unless you have invoked mongotop with the --locks option.

Provides the total amount of time that this mongod spent operating on this namespace.

Provides the amount of time that this mongod spent performing read operations on this namespace.


Provides the amount of time that this mongod spent performing write operations on this namespace.


Provides a time stamp for the returned data.


By default mongotop connects to the MongoDB instance running on the localhost port 27017. However, mongotop can optionally connect to remote mongod instances. See the mongotop options for more information.

To force mongotop to return less frequently specify a number, in seconds at the end of the command. In this example, mongotop will return every 15 seconds.

mongotop 15

This command produces the following output:

connected to:

ns       total        read       write           2015-01-12T15:45:40

test.system.namespaces         0ms         0ms         0ms

local.system.replset         0ms         0ms         0ms

local.system.indexes         0ms         0ms         0ms

admin.system.indexes         0ms         0ms         0ms

admin.         0ms         0ms         0ms

ns       total        read       write           2015-01-12T15:45:55

test.system.namespaces         0ms         0ms         0ms

local.system.replset         0ms         0ms         0ms

local.system.indexes         0ms         0ms         0ms

admin.system.indexes         0ms         0ms         0ms

admin.         0ms         0ms         0ms

To return a mongotop report every 5 minutes, use the following command:

mongotop 300

To report the use of per-database locks, use mongotop --locks, which produces the following output:

$ mongotop --locks

connected to:

db       total        read       write          2015-01-12T16:33:34

local         0ms         0ms         0ms

admin         0ms         0ms         0ms

.         0ms         0ms         0ms

时间: 2024-07-31 23:02:28

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