
一 环境简要说明


1.1Python 下载官网有2.x和3.x版本。自己选择,语法上略有差异。

1.2eclipse eclipse-jee-kepler-SR2-win32-x86_64或者eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64版本。

1.3 Oracle 官网下载jdk jre

1.4 下载插件


二 辅助工具说明。

本人在win8 64位系统所用python3.4和Eclipse pydev插件搭建构成编辑运行环境。



C:\Python34\Scripts>pythoncxfreeze -h

Usage: cxfreeze[options] [SCRIPT]

Freeze a Pythonscript and all of its referenced modules to a base

executable which canthen be distributed without requiring a Python



--version             show program‘s version number andexit

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

-O                    optimize generated bytecodeas per PYTHONOPTIMIZE; use

-OO in order to removedoc strings

-c, --compress        compress byte code in zip files

-s, --silent          suppress all output except warningsand errors

--base-name=NAME      file on which to base the target file; ifthe name of

the file is not anabsolute file name, the

subdirectory bases(rooted in the directory in which

the freezer is found)will be searched for a file

matching the name

--init-script=NAME    script which will be executed upon startup;if the

name of the file is notan absolute file name, the

subdirectoryinitscripts (rooted in the directory in

which the cx_Freezepackage is found) will be searched

for a file matching thename

--target-dir=DIR, --install-dir=DIR

the directory in whichto place the target file and

any dependent files

--target-name=NAME    the name of the file to create instead ofthe base

name of the script andthe extension of the base


--no-copy-deps        do not copy the dependent files(extensions, shared

libraries, etc.) to thetarget directory; this also

modifies the defaultinit script to

and means that thetarget executable requires a Python

installation to executeproperly

--default-path=DIRS   list of paths separated by the standard pathseparator

for the platform whichwill be used to initialize

sys.path prior to running themodule finder

--include-path=DIRS   list of paths separated by the standard pathseparator

for the platform whichwill be used to modify sys.path

prior to running themodule finder


replace all the pathsin modules found in the given

paths with the givenreplacement string; multiple

values are separated bythe standard path separator

and each value is ofthe form path=replacement_string;

path can be * whichmeans all paths not already



comma separated list ofmodules to include


comma separated list ofmodules to exclude

--ext-list-file=NAME  name of file in which to place the list ofdependent

files which were copied into the targetdirectory

-z SPEC, --zip-include=SPEC

name of file to add tothe zip file or a specification

of the formname=arcname which will specify the

archive name to use; multiple --zip-includearguments

can be used

--icon=ICON           name of the icon file for theapplication



python --target-dir  DESTDIR //将hello.py文件转化成pe文件。



import sys

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

# Dependencies are automatically detected,but it might need fine tuning.

build_exe_options = {"packages":["os"], "excludes": ["tkinter"]}

# GUI applications require a different baseon Windows (the default is for a

# console application).

base = None

if sys.platform == "win32":

   base = "console"

setup( name = "hello",

       version = "0.1",

       description = "My GUI application!",

       options = {"build_exe": build_exe_options},

       executables = [Executable("", base=base)])

三 代码测试


print ("HELLO WORLD") //单双引号都行

3.2 输入

iNum = int(input()) //转化

3.3 循环

for i in range(n): //0-----n-1范围

3.4 函数定义

3.5 类定义

四 说明


时间: 2024-10-24 03:02:36


2. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记二基本命令畅玩

2. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记二基本命令畅玩 本篇名言:"成功源于发现细节,没有细节就没有机遇,留心细节意味着创造机遇.一件司空见惯的小事或许就可能是打开机遇宝库的钥匙!" 下班回家,咱先来看下一些常用的基本命令. 欢迎转载,转载请标明出处: 1.  数字和表达式 看下图1一就能说明很多问题: 加法,整除,浮点除,取模,幂乘方等.是不是很直接也很粗暴. 关于上限,蛤蟆不太清楚

Python Click 学习笔记(转)

原文链接:Python Click 学习笔记 Click 是 Flask 的团队 pallets 开发的优秀开源项目,它为命令行工具的开发封装了大量方法,使开发者只需要专注于功能实现.恰好我最近在开发的一个小工具需要在命令行环境下操作,就写个学习笔记. 国际惯例,先来一段 "Hello World" 程序(假定已经安装了 Click 包). # import click @click.command() @click.option('--count', default


[[email protected] 0503]# cat #!/usr/bin/python import os import time #source source=['/root/','/root/','/root/'] #source='/root/' #backup dir target_dir='/tmp/' today=target_dir+time.strftime('

3. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记三字符串

3. 蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记三字符串 本篇名言:"平静的湖面只有呆板的倒映,奔腾的激流才有美丽的浪花!幸福不是靠别人来布施,而是要自己去赢取!生命的意义在不断挑战自己,战胜自己!" 这个本来放在昨天的,由于昨晚又太晚了,所以就搁在这里了.赶紧看看吧. 字符串两边都用双引号或者单引号包起来.否则就使用转移符号来转移一下. 输入在一起可以直接拼接. 欢迎转载,转载请标明出处:


1.蛤蟆Python脚本学习笔记一环境搭建 蛤蟆一直在想在工作的时候能不能有一个牛逼的工具来让自己工作更加轻松和快乐.用过C, C++, C#, JAVA,  SHELL,TCL,汇编,BAT等,感觉这些都是需要的时候能发挥作用,不能和我想象的一样.突然有一天,感觉Python实在不错,那么就和小伙伴们一起乐呵乐呵呗.万事开头难,我们先来搭建环境吧. 欢迎转载,转载请标明出处: 1. 相关


今天学习了python的输入输出.异常处理和python标准库 1.文件 通过创建一个file类的对象去处理文件,方法有read.readline.write.close等 [[email protected] 0505]# cat #!/usr/bin/python poem='''Programing is fun when the work is done use Python! ''' f=file('poem.

[Python][MachineLeaning]Python Scikit-learn学习笔记1-Datasets&Estimators

Scikit-learn官网: Datasets 标准的数据集格式为一组多维特征向量组成的集合.数据集的标准形状(shape)为二维数组(samples, features),其中samples表示数据集大小,features表示其中特征向量的维数. 使用时可使用shape方法查看数据集 >>> from sklearn import datasets >>> iris = dataset

Python scikit-learn 学习笔记—环境篇

Python scikit-learn 学习笔记-环境篇 近来闲来无事,也面临毕业季.这段时间除了做毕业设计,和同学再多吃几顿饭玩玩游戏之外.剩下的时间浪费着实可惜.想着以后研究生还要读三年,不如现在多看看书或者别的资料.正逢最近参加阿里巴巴大数据比赛,趁机学了一阵Python 数据挖掘包scikit learn,估计以后说不定会用到,所以先行记录下来,分享给大家. 先说一下这段时间对sklearn的理解.这一个数据挖掘包给我最直观的感觉就是简易.这个挖掘包的一些算法核心编码部分是借鉴别的单独算


                                        本节主要学习python语言中网络相关知识. 一 主要文件和目录在Urllib的request.py模块下面.其中支持SSL加密方式访问. 下面我们看看其中的主要类和函数吧. 先看看源码吧. def urlopen(url, data=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, *, cafile=None, capath=None, cadefault=False):


                                    本节主要学习Python语言的文件处理相关知识 一 第一种python有一系列API默认直接可以引用的函数,这里文件读取函数open在下列表 The Python interpreter has a number of functions and types built into it that are always available. They are listed here in alphabetical order.