

The URL class is used for having handy methods or redirecting the page and returning the path to the current template.

Redirect - To redirect to another page instead of using a header call the static method redirect:


Previous - To be redirected back to the previous page:


The redirect method can accept a 2nd option of true is used the path will be used as it is provided.

This is useful to redirect to an external website, by default the redirects are relative to the domain its on.

The url should be the local path excluding the application url for instance a valid case might be:


The redirect method uses the DIR constant to get the application address.

template_path has been renamed to templatePath

The next method is get_templatePath, this returns the path to the template relative from the templates folder, for instance by default it will return: this is useful for using absolute paths in your design files such as including css and js files.


autolink has been renamed to autoLink

Another useful feature is the ability to scan a block of text look for any domain names then convert them into html links. To use the autoLink call url:: followed by the method name and pass in the string to autoLink:

$string = "A random piece of text that contains a domain.";
echo Url::autoLink($string);

The autoLink method also accepts a 2nd parameter that will be used as the click text for instance a in the text above I want the link to say Google and not

$string = "A random piece of text that contains a domain.";
echo Url::autoLink($string, ‘Google‘);

When run the link word will be Google which will link to

时间: 2024-10-18 09:53:50



Url 帮助类 ? 获得通用 URL 记住 URLs 检查相对 URLs Url 帮助类提供一系列的静态方法来帮助管理 URL. 获得通用 URL ? 有两种获取通用 URLS 的方法 :当前请求的 home URL 和 base URL . 为了获取 home URL ,使用如下代码: $relativeHomeUrl = Url::home(); $absoluteHomeUrl = Url::home(true); $httpsAbsoluteHomeUrl = Url::home('ht


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yii2 RUL的生成

通常情况下,会使用 yii\helpers\Url 使用Url类来生成想要的URL地址(链接) Url提供的方法大都是静态方法,不需要对类进行实例化 1.1 最常用的 Url::to() 1.2. base方法 Url::base()方法生成当前网络的基础URL地址,默认为相对路径  base(true)为全部地址 1.3. canonical方法  返回当前URL的友好转码格式 1.4.1. home() 方法 Url::home() 方法返回网站的首页,也就是/index.php home(

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思路分析: 将 table中的表格 改变成为 input表格框获得值 ajax配合修改 删除 <?php use yii\helpers\Url; $web = Url::base(); ?> <style> .btn-save-data { display: none; } .btn-cancel-data { display: none; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> //添加