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  • 类名:ChuanglanSmsApi
  • 功能:创蓝接口请求类
  • 详细:构造创蓝短信接口请求,获取远程HTTP数据
  • 版本:1.3
  • 日期:2017-04-12
  • 说明:
  • 以下代码只是为了方便客户测试而提供的样例代码,客户可以根据自己网站的需要,按照技术文档自行编写,并非一
  • 该代码仅供学习和研究创蓝接口使用,只是提供一个参考。

class ChuanglanSmsApi {

//Interface URL Used to send SMS
const API_SEND_URL=‘http://intapi.253.com/send/json?‘;

//Interface URL Used to Query SMS balance
const API_BALANCE_QUERY_URL=‘http://intapi.253.com/balance/json?‘;

const API_ACCOUNT=‘‘;//Get SMS Account  from  https://zz.253.com/site/login.html 

const API_PASSWORD=‘‘;//Get SMS Password  from https://zz.253.com/site/login.html

 * 发送短信
 * @param string $mobile       手机号码
 * @param string $msg          短信内容
public function sendInternational( $mobile, $msg) {

    $postArr = array (
        ‘account‘  =>  self::API_ACCOUNT,
        ‘password‘ => self::API_PASSWORD,
        ‘msg‘ => $msg,
        ‘mobile‘ => $mobile

    $result = $this->curlPost( self::API_SEND_URL , $postArr);
    return $result;

 * 查询额度
 *  查询地址
public function queryBalance() {

    $postArr = array (
        ‘account‘ => self::API_ACCOUNT,
        ‘password‘ => self::API_PASSWORD,
    $result = $this->curlPost(self::API_BALANCE_QUERY_URL, $postArr);
    return $result;

 * 通过CURL发送HTTP请求
 * @param string $url  //请求URL
 * @param array $postFields //请求参数
 * @return mixed
private function curlPost($url,$postFields){
    $postFields = json_encode($postFields);
    $ch = curl_init ();
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
        ‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8‘
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields);
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,1);
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
    curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    $ret = curl_exec ( $ch );
    if (false == $ret) {
        $result = curl_error(  $ch);
    } else {
        $rsp = curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        if (200 !== $rsp) {
            $result = "请求状态 ". $rsp . " " . curl_error($ch);
        } else {
            $result = $ret;
    curl_close ( $ch );
    return $result;



时间: 2024-12-12 18:27:16



#!/usr/local/bin/python#-- coding:utf-8 -- Author: jacky Time: 14-2-22 下午11:48 Desc: 短信http接口的python代码调用示例 import httplibimport urllibimport json#服务地址 host = "intapi.253.com" #端口号port = 80 #版本号version = "v1.1" #查账户信息的URIbalance_get_uri


#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <assert.h>#include <errno.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#include <signal.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socke


#!/bin/sh account and password can be change to what you wanna! #author ChuangLan#修改为您的accountaccount=""#修改为您的pwpassword="a.123456"#手机号码,格式(区号+手机号码),例如:8615800000000,其中86为中国的区号mobile="8615800000000"#设置您要发送的内容msg="[253云通讯


<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% Function Post(url,data) dim Https set Https=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") Https.open "POST",url,false Https.setRequestHeader "Content-Type",&qu


1协议说明 名称 说明 协议 HTTP POST 编码格式 UTF8 Content-Type application/json URL http://xxx/msg/send/json 或者 https://xxx/msg/send/json 完整地址请登录253云通讯自助通平台或者询问您的商务负责人获取 接口说明 此接口一次可提交不超过1000个手机号码. 2 请求包体 包体为json字符串,参数如下: { "account" : "N6000001", //用


#!/usr/local/bin/python#-- coding:utf-8 -- Author: jacky Time: 14-2-22 下午11:48 Desc: 短信http接口的python代码调用示例 import httplibimport urllib #服务地址host = "sms.253.com" #端口号port = 80 #版本号version = "v1.1" #查账户信息的URIbalance_get_uri = "/msg/


#!/usr/local/bin/python#-- coding:utf-8 -- Author: jacky Time: 14-2-22 下午11:48 Desc: 短信http接口的python代码调用示例 import httplibimport urllibimport json#服务地址 host = "intapi.253.com" #端口号port = 80 #版本号version = "v1.1" #查账户信息的URIbalance_get_uri


<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%><%Function Post(url,data)dim Https set Https=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")Https.open "POST",url,falseHttps.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","ap


<?phpheader("Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8");/ 功能:创蓝查询余额DEMO 版本:1.3 日期:2017-04-12 说明: 以下代码只是为了方便客户测试而提供的样例代码,客户可以根据自己网站的需要,按照技术文档自行编写,并非一定要使用该代码. 该代码仅供学习和研究创蓝接口使用,只是提供一个参考.*/require_once 'ChuanglanSmsApi.php';$clapi = new ChuanglanSms