通过第三方库qqbot来实现,pip install qqbot 直接安装就行
- 脚本直接运行会弹出二维码,手机qq扫码登录即可
- 通过#weather# city 来查询天气预报
- 通过#study# key value 来进行学习,以json格式存储在指定文件
- 第一次运行没有这个json文件,可以手动创建一个,内容为一对英文的双引号即可
- 通过#get# key 来进行获取之前存储的内容
- 只能在qq群进行自动操作
- qqbot其他相关功能能查看 https://github.com/pandolia/qqbot/
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import requests import qqbot import json mess = json.load(open(‘qq.txt‘, ‘r‘)) def weather(city): r = city url = ‘http://www.sojson.com/open/api/weather/json.shtml?city=‘ + city html = requests.get(url) result = json.loads(html.text) if result.get(‘status‘) != 200: return "暂无【%s】天气预报!" % city res = result.get(‘data‘).get(‘forecast‘) for i in res: r += ‘\r\n‘ + i.get(‘date‘) + ‘ ‘ + i.get(‘type‘) + ‘ ‘ + i.get(‘low‘) + ‘ ‘ + i.get(‘high‘) + ‘ ‘ + i.get( ‘fengli‘) + ‘ ‘ + i.get(‘fengxiang‘) return r @qqbot.QQBotSlot def onQQMessage(bot, contact, member, content): if "@ME" in content: con = ‘圈我干啥??‘ bot.SendTo(contact, con) elif content.startswith("#study#") and ‘#get#‘ not in content and len(content.split()) >= 3: key, *value = content.split()[1:] mess[key] = value con = "录入成功!" json.dump(mess, open(‘qq.txt‘, ‘w‘)) bot.SendTo(contact, con) elif content.startswith(‘#get#‘) and len(content.split()) >= 2: key = content.split()[1] con = mess.get(key) if key in mess else ‘不存在‘ bot.SendTo(contact, ‘ ‘.join(con)) elif content.startswith("#weather#") and len(content.split()) >= 2: con = weather(content.split()[1]) bot.SendTo(contact, con) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: qqbot.RunBot()
时间: 2024-11-04 16:02:58