Customize toolbar style in LibreOffice on Linux

It is strange but interesting to see that all the toolbars in LibreOffice have title bar displayed on Linux operating system (Debian Wheezy with KDE Plasma). However, it is easy to solve this problem thanks to the advanced windows configuration functionality provided by KDE.

Right-click on the title bar of LibreOffice, then click “Configure Window Behabior”. In the opened dialog, select “Window Rules”. Then create two rules:

  • remove the title bar from all toolbars of LibreOffice.
  • make “Full Screen” toolbar with opacity 5%. Then, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J in Writer, i.e. switch to full screen mode, the full screen toolbar will fade out, which creates a good interface for distraction free writing (see the following figure).

The windows matched by the two rules are easy to define, because a functionality is provided by KDE that the properties of the clicked target window can automatically be extracted.

Customize toolbar style in LibreOffice on Linux

时间: 2024-10-25 19:14:02

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