Ubuntu build EDK2







For the purposes of this set of instructions, we will be using the following paths.

Edk2 source tree: $HOME/src/edk2
Native GCC 4.x compiler installation: /usr/bin/gcc
Intel ASL Compiler installation: /usr/bin/iasl

Install required software from apt

Several Ubuntu packages will be needed to set up the build environment for EDK II. The following command will install all required packages:

bash$ sudo apt-get install build-essential uuid-dev iasl git gcc-5 nasm
build-essential - Informational list of build-essential packages
uuid-dev -  Universally Unique ID library (headers and static libraries)
iasl - Intel ASL compiler/decompiler (also provided by acpica-tools)
git - support for git revision control system
gcc-5 - GNU C compiler (v5.4.0 as of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
nasm - General-purpose x86 assembler

Continue with common instructions

The remaining instructions are common for most UNIX-like systems.

Compile build tools

bash$ cd ~/src/edk2
bash$ make -C BaseTools
bash$ . edksetup.sh
时间: 2024-10-03 11:08:50

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