sudo cp oflash /usr/bin/ && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/oflash
下面就是具体的烧录过程了,我们以烧写 u-boot 为例。首先, u-boot 是一个大一点的裸机程序;第二,烧好 u-boot 为我们下一小节烧写系统会提供便利。我们需要切换到 u-boot.bin 所在的路径,执行如下命令:
sudo oflash u-boot.bin
| Flash Programmer v1.3 for OpenJTAG of www.100ask.net |
| OpenJTAG is a USB to JTAG & RS232 tool based FT2232 |
| This programmer supports both of S3C2410X & S3C2440 |
| Author: Email/MSN([email protected]), QQ(17653039) |
1. oflash, run with cfg.txt or prompt
2. oflash [file], write [file] to flash with prompt
3. oflash [-f config_file]
4. oflash [jtag_type] [cpu_type] [flash_type] [read_or_write] [offset] [file]
Select the JTAG type:
0. OpenJTAG
1. Dongle JTAG(parallel port)
Enter the number: 0
Select the CPU: 1. S3C2410X 2. S3C2440X Enter the number: 2
‘ft2232‘ interface using libftdi with ‘USB<=>JTAG&RS232‘ layout (1457:5118) current latency timer: 2 FTDI chip type: 2 "2232C" S3C24X0 detected, cpuID = 0x0032409d [Main Menu] 0:Nand Flash prog 1:Nor Flash prog 2:Memory Rd/Wr 3:Exit Select the function to test:0
选择烧写在Nand Flash中,当然也可以选择烧写在Nor Flash中,接着会选择:
[NAND Flash JTAG Programmer] Scan nand flash: Device 0: NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit, sector size 128 KiB Total size: 256 MiB 0:Nand Flash Program 1:Nand Flash Print BlkPage 2:Exit Select the function to test :0
选择烧写在Nand Flash中,选项一是读取Nand Flash的某一部分,接着选择:
[NAND Flash Writing Program] Source size: 0x306ac Available target block number: 0~2047 Input target block number:0
sudo oflash 0 2 0 0 0 u-boot.bin