Contest1657 - 2019年我能变强组队训练赛第十四场 Similarity of Subtrees #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef long long ll; const int maxn=100100; ull ha[maxn]; vector<int>E[maxn]; unordered_map<ull,int>m;
题目来自ICPC 2017 Japan Tsukuba A题:Secret of Chocolate Poles 有三种巧克力,分别是厚度为1的白色巧克力,厚度为1或者k的黑色巧克力.要求把巧克力放到高度为 l 的盒子里,并且要黑白相间,底部和顶部必须都是黑色的 当l=1,ans=1:当l<k,ans=(l-1)/2+1:当l=k,ans=(l-1)/2+2;当l>k时,就可以转化成排列组合问题了,枚举厚度为k的黑色巧克力数目i,然后对于每一种情况,再枚举厚度为1的黑色巧克力的数目j,那么此时
A: Alien Sunset 题目描述 Following tremendous advances in space flight control software and equally impressive innova- tions in reality TV crowdfunding, humans have successfully settled a number of planets, moons, asteroids, and various other kinds of fu
D.Disastrous Doubling 题目描述 A scientist, E. Collie, is going to do some experiments with bacteria.Right now, she has one bacterium. She already knows that this species of bacteria doubles itself every hour. Hence, after one hour there will be 2 bacter
A: Secret of Chocolate Poles 题目描述 Wendy, the master of a chocolate shop, is thinking of displaying poles of chocolate disks in the showcase. She can use three kinds of chocolate disks: white thin disks, dark thin disks, and dark thick disks. The thin
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int maxn = 1006; const ll mod=1000000007; int T; int n,m; ll k; ll dp[1005][6],a[maxn]; ll gdp[1005][6]; //ll ans; char f[maxn]; int main() { //freopen("1.txt","