Codeforces 833A The Meaningless Game - 数论 - 牛顿迭代法 - 二分法

Slastyona and her loyal dog Pushok are playing a meaningless game that is indeed very interesting.

The game consists of multiple rounds. Its rules are very simple: in each round, a natural number k is chosen. Then, the one who says (or barks) it faster than the other wins the round. After that, the winner‘s score is multiplied by k2, and the loser‘s score is multiplied by k. In the beginning of the game, both Slastyona and Pushok have scores equal to one.

Unfortunately, Slastyona had lost her notepad where the history of all n games was recorded. She managed to recall the final results for each games, though, but all of her memories of them are vague. Help Slastyona verify their correctness, or, to put it another way, for each given pair of scores determine whether it was possible for a game to finish with such result or not.


In the first string, the number of games n (1 ≤ n ≤ 350000) is given.

Each game is represented by a pair of scores ab (1 ≤ a, b ≤ 109) – the results of Slastyona and Pushok, correspondingly.


For each pair of scores, answer "Yes" if it‘s possible for a game to finish with given score, and "No" otherwise.

You can output each letter in arbitrary case (upper or lower).



62 475 458 816 16247 9941000000000 1000000




First game might have been consisted of one round, in which the number 2 would have been chosen and Pushok would have won.

The second game needs exactly two rounds to finish with such result: in the first one, Slastyona would have said the number 5, and in the second one, Pushok would have barked the number 3.

  题目大意 (题目太简洁不需要大意,看原文吧)







 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#833A
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 468ms
 6  * Memory: 2100k
 7  */
 8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 9 using namespace std;
10 typedef bool boolean;
11 #define double long double
13 const double eps = 1e-1;
14 double sqrt3(double x) {
15     double r = x;
16     double f = 1, k;
17     do {
18         f = r * r * r - x;
19         k = 3 * r * r;
20         r -= f / k;
21     } while (f > eps);
22     return r;
23 }
25 int a, b;
26 long long P;
27 inline void init() {
28     scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
29     P = a * 1LL * b;
30 }
32 inline boolean solve() {
33     long long x = sqrt3(P);
34     if(x * x * x != P)    return false;
35     return !(a % x || b % x);
36 }
38 int T;
39 int main() {
40     scanf("%d", &T);
41     while(T--) {
42         init();
43         puts(solve() ? ("Yes") : ("No"));
44     }
45     return 0;
46 }

The Meaningless Game(Newton‘s Methon)



 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#833A
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 218ms
 6  * Memory: 2052k
 7  */
 8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 9 using namespace std;
10 typedef bool boolean;
11 #define LL long long
13 int sqrt3(LL x) {
14     int l = 1, r = 1e6;
15     while(l <= r) {
16         LL mid = (l + r) >> 1;
17         if(mid * mid * mid <= x)    l = mid + 1;
18         else r = mid - 1;
19     }
20     return l - 1;
21 }
23 int a, b;
24 long long P;
25 inline void init() {
26     scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
27     P = a * 1LL * b;
28 }
30 inline boolean solve() {
31     long long x = sqrt3(P);
32     if(x * x * x != P)    return false;
33     return !(a % x || b % x);
34 }
36 int T;
37 int main() {
38     scanf("%d", &T);
39     while(T--) {
40         init();
41         puts(solve() ? ("Yes") : ("No"));
42     }
43     return 0;
44 }

The Meaningless Game(Binary Search)

  最后写了一个可以用Hash的二分法(Excuse me?新型long long开方向下取整?)


 1 /**
 2  * Codeforces
 3  * Problem#833A
 4  * Accepted
 5  * Time: 233ms
 6  * Memory: 9900k
 7  */
 8 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 9 using namespace std;
10 typedef bool boolean;
11 #define LL long long
13 const int limit = 1e6;
14 LL arr3[limit + 1];
15 inline void rinit() {
16     for(int i = 1; i <= limit; i++)
17         arr3[i] = i * 1LL * i * i;
18 }
20 int a, b;
21 long long P;
22 inline void init() {
23     scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
24     P = a * 1LL * b;
25 }
27 inline boolean solve() {
28     int x = lower_bound(arr3 + 1, arr3 + limit + 1, P) - arr3;
29     if(arr3[x] != P)    return false;
30     return !(a % x || b % x);
31 }
33 int T;
34 int main() {
35     rinit();
36     scanf("%d", &T);
37     while(T--) {
38         init();
39         puts(solve() ? ("Yes") : ("No"));
40     }
41     return 0;
42 }
时间: 2024-08-04 00:38:31

Codeforces 833A The Meaningless Game - 数论 - 牛顿迭代法 - 二分法的相关文章

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利用迭代算法解决问题,需要做好以下三个方面的工作: 一.确定迭代变量 在可以用迭代算法解决的问题中,我们可以确定至少存在一个可直接或间接地不断由旧值递推出新值的变量,这个变量就是迭代变量. 二.建立迭代关系式 所谓迭代关系式,指如何从变量的前一个值推出其下一个值的公式(或关系).迭代关系式的建立是解决迭代问题的关键,通常可以使用递推或倒推的方法来完成. 三.对迭代过程进行控制 在什么时候结束迭代过程?这是编写迭代程序必须考虑的问题.不能让迭代过程无休止地执行下去.迭代过程的控制通常可分为两种情况

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参考: 0开方 是 0 1的开方式 1 2的开方式 1.4 3.的开方=(1.4+3/1.4)/2 牛顿迭代法:学习自 public class Solution { public int sqrt(int x) { if(x==0)return 0; double pre=0; double cur=1; while(Math.abs(cur-pre)>0.000001) {

Atitit 迭代法&#160;&#160;“二分法”和“牛顿迭代法&#160;attilax总结

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用牛顿迭代法求方程在1.5附近的根:2x^3-4x^2+3x-6=0. 解:牛顿迭代法又叫牛顿切线法.设f =2x^3-4x^2+3x-6,f1为方程的导数,则f1 = 6x^2 - 8x+3,且f1=(f(x0)-0)/(x0-x1),推导得:x1 = x0 - f / f1 程序: #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { double x0,x1,f,f1; x1 = 1.5; do { x0 = x1; f = 2*x0