
--查询语句:select 列名/通配符/列别名/表达式 from 表名 (修饰/限制语句)
select * from tab;
select tname from tab;--指定的列
select tabtype from tab;
select tname "T-M" from tab;--新建列别名
select 3+4 from dual;--虚表(只有一行一列)
select 3+4 as "he" from dual;
desc employees;--desc:显示一个表的结构(列名,烈的约束,列的数据类型)
select * from employees;
--nvl函数:nvl (列名,值)
select (1+commission_pct)*salary*12 as "年薪" from employees;
select (1+nvl(commission_pct,0))*salary*12 as "年薪" from employees;
select commission_pct,(1+nvl(commission_pct,0))*salary*12 as "年薪" from EMPLOYEES;
--nvl2函数:nvl2 (列名,值1,值2)为null时,显示值2,不为null时,显示值1
select commission_pct,nvl2(commission_pct,‘有提成‘,‘没提成‘) from EMPLOYEES;
--order by(排序,默认从小到大ASC(DESC相反))(排序的列名可以不再语句中出现)
select employee_id,salary from employees;
select employee_id,last_name,salary from employees order by salary;
select employee_id,last_name,salary from employees order by salary desc;
select employee_id,last_name,salary as "sal" from employees order by "sal" desc;
select employee_id,last_name,salary from employees order by 3 desc;
--where 条件
select * from employees where employee_id = 100;
-- 不等于<>
select * from employees where employee_id <> 100;
--between 值1 and 值2:获取两个值之间的数据.
select * from employees where employee_id between 100 and 107;
select * from employees where employee_id in( 100,105,200);
--is NULL:判断是否为空(is Null/is not Null)
select * from employees where COMMISSION_PCT is Null;
--not in():特定的值不会选取
select * from employees where employee_id not in (100,200,107);
--逻辑运算符 and(需全部满足) or(满足一个就行) not(选中的不能选取)运算时加括号
select * from employees where employee_id = 100 and employee_id = 200;
select * from employees where employee_id = 100 or employee_id = 200;
select * from employees where employee_id not in (200,100);
select last_name from employees where last_name like ‘%m%‘;
select last_name from employees where last_name like ‘M%‘;
select last_name from employees where last_name like ‘_m%‘;
select last_name from employees where last_name like ‘m_%‘;
select last_name,salary from employees where salary >=‘&薪水‘;
select ‘a‘||‘b‘ from dual;
select first_name||‘ ‘||last_name from EMPLOYEES;
select first_name as "姓",last_name as "名",first_name||‘ ‘||last_name as "姓名" from EMPLOYEES;
select length(‘就让往事皆随风c‘)as "长度" from dual;
--lower upper initcap
select lower(‘ADCDEFG二连‘) from dual;
select upper(‘abcdefg二连‘) from dual;
select initcap(‘喊cajppjPPdsIHOasd‘) from dual;
select ‘a‘ || ‘b‘ from dual;
select concat(‘aa‘,‘汉字‘) from dual;
select SUBSTR(‘ABCDEFG‘,2,3) from dual;
select instr(‘就让往事皆随风c‘,‘往‘)from dual;
select lpad(salary,10,‘*‘)from employee;
--replace(‘jack and jue‘,‘j‘,‘bl‘)(替代)
select replace (‘就让往事皆随风c‘,‘往‘,‘??‘)from dual;
select TRIM(‘风‘ from ‘就让往事皆随风‘) from dual;
select LTRIM(‘xyxyxyxyxyLVxyxyxyxyxy‘,‘xy‘) from dual;
select RTRIM(‘xyxyxyxyxyLVxyxyxyxyxy‘,‘xy‘) from dual;
select round(15.193,1)from dual;
select round(15.193,0)from dual;
select round(15.193)from dual;
select trunc(15.193,1)from dual;
select trunc(15.193,0)from dual;
select trunc(15.193)from dual;
select trunc(15.193,-1)from dual;
select mod(16,3)from dual;
--日期函数 sysdate
select sysdate from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,6)from dual;
select next_day(sysdate,‘星期四‘)from dual;
select last_day(sysdate)from dual;
select sysdate+1 from dual;
select add_months(‘18-6月-12‘,6)+20 from dual;
select months_between(sysdate,‘26-4月-16‘) from dual;
--month:看天数 大于15,月数加一
select round(TO_DATE(‘26-6月-17‘),‘month‘)from dual;
--year:看月数 大于6,年数加一
select round(TO_DATE,‘year‘)from dual;
select round(sysdate,(‘16-6月-17 12:00:59‘,‘dd-Month-yy hh24:mi:ss‘),‘dd‘)from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘month‘)from dual;
select trunc(sysdate,‘year‘)from dual;
select salary from employees where salary >‘12000‘;
select hire_date from employees where hire_date>‘01-5月-05‘;
select salary from employees ;
select to_char(salary,‘L00,000‘) from employees ;
select to_number(‘2‘) from dual ;
select last_name,hire_date from employees ;
select last_name,to_char(hire_date,‘yyyy-MM-dd hh:mi:ss‘) from employees ;
select to_date (‘2017-6月-29 19:28:28‘,‘yyyy-month-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) from dual;
desc employees;
desc departments;
desc locations;
desc ;
select last_name from employees;
select department_name from departments;
select last_name,department_name from employees cross join departments;
select last_name,department_name from employees,departments where employees.EMPLOYEE_ID = departments.DEPARTMENT_ID;
select e.last_name,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.EMPLOYEE_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID;
--natural join:自然连接(所有相似的部分)
select e.last_name,d.department_name from employees e natural join departments d;
( "LEV" VARCHAR2(10),
"LOW" NUMBER(6,0),
desc grades;
select * from grades;
select e.last_name,e.salary,f.lev from EMPLOYEES e,GRADES f where e.salary BETWEEN f.low and f.hight;
select manager_id,last_name from EMPLOYEES where LAST_NAME = ‘Jones‘;
select last_name from EMPLOYEES where EMPLOYEE_ID = 123;
select e1.last_name,e2.last_name from EMPLOYEES e1,EMPLOYEES e2 where e1.MANAGER_ID = e2.EMPLOYEE_ID and e1.LAST_NAME = ‘Jones‘;
select e.last_name,d.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME,e.SALARY from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID(+);
select e.last_name,d.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME,e.SALARY from employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN DEPARTMENTS d ON (d.department_id = e.department_id);
select e.last_name,d.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME,e.SALARY from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID(+) = d.DEPARTMENT_ID;
select e.last_name,d.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME,e.SALARY from employees e RIGHT OUTER JOIN DEPARTMENTS d ON (d.department_id = e.department_id);
select e.department_id,d.department_id,e.last_name,d.department_name from EMPLOYEES e full outer join DEPARTMENTS d on (e.department_id = d.department_id);
--nuion/union all
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID(+) = d.department_id
union all
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.department_id(+);
--minus(第一个查询结果减去第二个查询结果 剩下 第二部分不重复的部分)
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.department_id(+)
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID(+)= d.department_id;
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.department_id(+)
select e.LAST_NAME,d.department_name from employees e,departments d where e.DEPARTMENT_ID(+)= d.department_id;
select count (DEPARTMENT_ID) from EMPLOYEES;
select count (*) from EMPLOYEES where DEPARTMENT_ID = &部门;
select count (commission_pct) from EMPLOYEES where DEPARTMENT_ID = &部门;
select max(salary),min(salary),sum(salary),round(avg(salary))from EMPLOYEES;
select max(salary),min(salary),sum(salary),round(avg(salary)) from EMPLOYEES where DEPARTMENT_ID = 90;
--group by(分组函数)(having字句对分组函数进行条件筛选)(后面只能跟列名而不是列别名)
--where>分组>组函数>having>order by
select department_id,round(avg(salary)) from EMPLOYEES GROUP BY DEPARTMENT_ID order by 2 desc;
select department_id,round(avg(salary)) from EMPLOYEES GROUP BY DEPARTMENT_ID having round(avg(salary))>9000;
select last_name,salary from employees where salary = 11000;
select last_name,salary,job_id from EMPLOYEES where job_id=(select job_id from EMPLOYEES where last_name=‘Abel‘);
select last_name,salary,job_id from EMPLOYEES where
job_id=(select job_id from EMPLOYEES where last_name=‘Abel‘)
salary>(select salary from EMPLOYEES where last_name=‘Abel‘);
select last_name,salary from EMPLOYEES where job_id = ‘SA_REP‘ and salary = 11000;
select last_name,salary from
(select last_name,salary from EMPLOYEES where job_id = (select job_id from EMPLOYEES where last_name=‘Abel‘))
where salary = 11000;
select last_name||first_name,salary,job_id from EMPLOYEES where salary=(select max(salary) from employees);
select department_id,min(salary) from EMPLOYEES
GROUP by DEPARTMENT_ID having min(salary)>
(select min(salary) from employees where department_id=50);
select department_id,min(salary) from EMPLOYEES
group by DEPARTMENT_ID having min(salary)>
(select min(salary)from EMPLOYEES where DEPARTMENT_ID=100);
--(in/= any)用法相同(<>any是无效操作,等同于没有)
select last_name,job_id,salary from EMPLOYEES where job_id = any
(select job_id from EMPLOYEES where last_name = ‘King‘);
--(>any/<any 大于最小的,小于最大的)
select employee_id,last_name,job_id,salary from EMPLOYEES where salary <> any
(select salary from EMPLOYEES where job_id=‘IT_PROG‘);
select last_name,job_id from EMPLOYEES where job_id =
(select job_id from employees where last_name =‘Abel‘);
select last_name,job_id from EMPLOYEES where DEPARTMENT_ID =
(select department_id from EMPLOYEES where last_name = ‘Abel‘);
select last_name||‘ ‘||first_name,salary,department_id from employees where salary<
(select avg(salary) from EMPLOYEES where department_id=100)and department_id<>100;
select * from EMPLOYEES;
--create table 表名
--列1 数据类型 约束(可选),
--列2 数据类型 约束
--创建一个表(Test_Oaec) 3列:id name age
create table oaec_test
--id number(10) CONSTRAINT oaec_test_id_pk PRIMARY key,
id number(10) ,
CONSTRAINT oaec_test_id_pk primary key(id),
name varchar2(20) CONSTRAINT oaec_test_name_nn not null,
age number(5)check (age>0 and age<150),
birthday date
--birthday date default sysdate;
desc oaec_test;
insert into oaec_test (ID,name,age)values(1,‘花色‘,DEFAULT);
select * from OAEC_TEST;
drop table oaec_test;
select * from user_constraints;
select constraint_name,constraint_type from user_constraints where TABLE_NAME=‘OAEC_TEST‘;
--not null(不能为空)(只能写在列级别)
--primary key(非空且唯一)
--foreign key(外键列)(依赖关系.依赖主键.主键有外键不一定有,主键没有外键一定没有)
--check(自定义约束)例如:(age>0 and age<150)
create table friend
id NUMBER(10),
phone number(11),
last_name VARCHAR2(25)
CONSTRAINT friend_last_name_nn not null,
gender VARCHAR2(10),
age number(3),
CONSTRAINT friend_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(id),
CONSTRAINT friend_phone_uk UNIQUE(phone),
CONSTRAINT friend_gender_ck check(gender in(‘男‘,‘女‘)),
CONSTRAINT friend_age_ck check(age>0 and age<150),
--test_id number(10) CONSTRAINT friend_test_id_fk REFERENCES oaec_test(id)
test_id number(10),
CONSTRAINT friend_id_fk FOREIGN key(test_id) REFERENCES oaec_test(id)
drop table oaec_test;
drop table friend;
drop table copy_friend;
select * from OAEC_TEST;
select * from FRIEND;
select * from copy_friend;
INSERT INTO oaec_test (id,name)VALUES(1,‘花花‘);
INSERT INTO oaec_test (id,name)VALUES(2,‘花花1‘);
INSERT INTO oaec_test (id,name)VALUES(3,‘花花1‘);
INSERT INTO oaec_test (id,name)VALUES(4,‘花花1‘);
--INSERT INTO oaec_test VALUES(3,‘花花1‘,21,sysdate);
INSERT INTO FRIEND VALUES(1,16345678910,‘花‘,‘男‘,22,null);
INSERT INTO FRIEND VALUES(2,12345678910,‘花‘,‘男‘,22,1);
INSERT INTO FRIEND VALUES(3,16346678910,‘花‘,‘男‘,22,2);
INSERT INTO FRIEND VALUES(4,16345978910,‘花‘,‘男‘,22,2);
create table copy_friend as
select id,age from FRIEND where AGE=22;
create table copy_friend as
select * from friend;
alter table oaec_test add(salarys number(10) CONSTRAINT oaec_test_salarys_uk unique);
desc oaec_test;
alter table oaec_test MODIFY(name number(10));
alter table oaec_test MODIFY(birthday date default sysdate);
alter table oaec_test add(CONSTRAINT oaec_test_birthday_uk unique(birthday));
Alter table oaec_test DROP CONSTRAINT oaec_test_birthday_uk;
alter table oaec_test drop column salarys;
--表的删除(DROP table)(在被引用的时候,可以使用级联删除)
DROP table oaec_test;
--insert into 表名(表名若不写,表示表的列全部要插入数据)
select * from tab;
create table tests
id number(10) ,
CONSTRAINT oaec_tests_id_pk primary key(id),
name varchar2(20) CONSTRAINT oaec_tests_name_nn not null,
age number(5)check (age>0 and age<150),
birthday date DEFAULT sysdate
select * from tests;
insert into tests(id,name,age,birthday)
insert into tests(id,name,age,birthday)
insert into tests(id,name,age,birthday)

create table oaec_tests_copy as select * from oaec_test;
select * from OAEC_TESTS_COPY;
insert into OAEC_TESTS_COPY select * from OAEC_TEST;
insert into OAEC_TESTS_COPY(id,name) select id,name from OAEC_TEST;
insert into OAEC_TESTS_COPY(id,name) select id,name from OAEC_TEST where id in(1,4);
--更新表中的数据(UPDATE 表名
--select 列名 = 新值
--where 条件 (确定数据的位置/不写则更行所有的)
select * from OAEC_TEST;
update OAEC_TEST
set id = 5 where id = 3;
update OAEC_TEST set name = ‘faker‘ where NAME = ‘比克大魔王faker‘;
--delete from 表名
--where 条件(确定要删除数据的位置);
delete from OAEC_TEST;
delete from OAEC_TEST
where id = 0;
delete from OAEC_TEST
where NAME like ‘%花花1%‘;
--注意:插入/删除/更新 不要违反约束!尤其是外键约束!
SAVEPOINT update_p;--设置回滚点
ROLLBACK to update_p;--回滚到指定的回滚点

时间: 2024-10-26 18:19:34



1:在PHP写隔行变色有三种写法(但是最好的是用js+css) (1)CSS: tr:nth-child(even){             background: #cad9ea;         } even:代表偶数: ood:代表奇数:   (2)PHP: <?php                 if($n %2 == 0){            ?>            <tr style="background: #cad9ea"> <


项目介绍 该项目记录了Oracle相关的速查知识汇总,主要涉及了oracle基础使用.SQL基础.oracle函数.oracle触发器.oracle高级查询.PL/SQL编程基础.PL/SQL存储过程等.若有新增,还将不断添加中. SQL基础部分 1.简介 Oracle Database,又名Oracle RDBMS,或简称Oracle,是甲骨文公司的一款关系数据库管理系统.本课程主要介绍Oracle的SQL基础,包括表空间的概念,如何登录Oracle数据库,如何管理表及表中的数据,以及约束的应


刚参加工作不久 记录一些小知识 ordere by  默认升序排序 asc是指定列按升序排列 从小到大排序 desc则是指定列按降序排列 从大到小排序 select * from awhere   order by order by 在where后面 where先执行过滤后的数据 在order by select top 50 percent * from 表名  表示查询数据的百分之50 (top 50 percent)


机房设备搬迁数据库保障方案大纲搬迁前: 停业务 停监听 巡检脚本,生成巡检报告 停库 Mount数据库,执行 rman备份 关闭数据库 复制数据文件,备份文件等到移动磁盘 数据库服务器关机 停止使用存储的其他服务器 存储关机 到新机房: 启动机器及数据库 巡检脚本,生成巡检报告 启动监听 启动应用 意外故障处理:1, 数据文件损坏,还原数据库2, 存储/系统/服务器硬件损坏,新服务器搭建环境,还原数据库. 提供通用软件售前技术咨询,售后技术维保,软件故障排查,解决方案,软件技术支持兼职等业务,欢


1. 如果使用PowerDesigner此类工具,注意将工具的导出的SQL语句中对于表的双引号去掉. 2. 建表和建字段的时候,不同单词之间使用下划线分隔,比如 REC_ID 3. Oracle中数值类型字段,应该确定精度,利用MBG反向生成的时候,可以确定是Integer还是BigDecimal. 4. Oracle中的nvarchar2和nvarchar2在被MBG反向生成的时候,会被识别为Object类型,建议使用varchar2. ----------------------------

oracle 数据库、实例、服务名、SID

参考:http://www.zhetao.com/content240 在实际的开发应用中,关于Oracle数据库,经常听见有人说建立一个数据库,建立一个Instance,启动一个Instance之类的话. 其实问他们什么是数据库,什么是Instance,很可能他们给的答案就是数据库就是Instance,Instance就是数据库啊,没有什么区别. 在这里,只能说虽然他们Oracle用了可能有了一定的经验,不过基础的概念还是不太清楚.(我目前就是这个状态) 一.什么是数据库,其实很简单,数据库就


Oracle数据库迁移-基础 作为一个开发人员,数据库知识肯定是需要我们掌握的.但是目前公司的数据库都是有专门的DBA维护的,一般都是给我们一个环境地址,然后我们书写CRUD SQL.而且公司产品要求是可以跨数据源的,这样平时基本上都不太关心特定数据库平台的操作.结果导致自己的DB知识严重不足.今天因为一些原因,需要在外网服务器上搭建演示环境,结果需要"悲剧"的自己操作数据库. 任务:在外网服务器上搭建演示环境,包括服务器.代码.数据库.     解决方案: (1)找一个新的产品安装程


oracle数据库plsql developer 目录(?)[-] 一     SQL基础知识 创建删除数据库 创建删除修改表 添加修改删除列 oracle cascade用法 添加删除约束主键外键 创建删除索引 创建修改删除视图 二     SQL查询 基本的SQL语句 unionminusintersect 内连接外连接 子查询关联子查询 betweeninexists 复制表insert into selectselect into from 三     SQL查询优化 尽量少用 IN 操


先来看张直观的图:                                            oracle 11g 体系结构图 理解Oracle体系结构要充分理解三个概念:数据库(database),数据库实例(instance),会话(session),一定不要把这三个概念弄混. 数据库的概念 (A)    物理存储结构由数据文件.控制文件.重做日志文件组成: 1.       数据文件(datafile) select * from dba_data_files; 数据文件包括存