ORA-01722: invalid number,ORA-12801



/*+ parallel(a,32) */ a.id




          ,b.prov AS mobile_prov

          ,b.city AS mobile_city

















          ,e.card_name AS outcdno_name

          ,e.card_type AS outcdno_type

          ,e.card_type_name AS outcdno_type_name

          ,e.bank_name AS out_bank_name

          ,e.bank_short_name AS out_bank_short_name



          ,f.card_name AS incdno_name

          ,f.card_type AS incdno_type

          ,f.card_type_name AS incdno_type_name

          ,f.bank_name AS in_bank_name

          ,f.bank_short_name AS in_bank_short_name















FROM edw.dw_fact_trans partition(DW_MONTH_201303) a

LEFT JOIN edm.d_mobile_info b

ON a.mobile_code = b.mobile_code

LEFT JOIN edm.d_psam_card_info c

ON a.psam_code = c.psam_ab_head

LEFT JOIN edm.d_trancde_info d

ON a.trancde = d.trans_code

LEFT JOIN edm.d_cardinfo_apply e

ON a.outcdno_bin = e.card_bin

LEFT JOIN edm.d_cardinfo_apply f

ON a.incdno_bin = f.card_bin      ;




ERROR at line 1:

ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P003, instance db1:db1 (1)

ORA-01722: invalid number



解决: a.mobile_code = to_char(b.mobile_code)

时间: 2024-12-30 03:21:58

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