Linux -- which whereis

WHICH(1)                                                      General Commands Manual                                                      WHICH(1)

       which - locate a command


       which [-a] filename ...

       which returns the pathnames of the files (or links) which would be executed in the current environment, had its arguments been given as com‐
       mands in a strictly POSIX-conformant shell.  It does this by searching the PATH for executable files matching the names of the arguments. It
       does not follow symbolic links.

       -a     print all matching pathnames of each argument

       0      if all specified commands are found and executable

1      if one or more specified commands is nonexistent or not executable

2      if an invalid option is specified




WHEREIS(1)                                                         User Commands                                                         WHEREIS(1)

       whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command


       whereis [-bmsu] [-BMS directory...  -f] filename...

       whereis  locates  source/binary  and manuals sections for specified files.  The supplied names are first stripped of leading pathname compo‐
       nents and any (single) trailing extension of the form .ext, for example, .c.  Prefixes of s.  resulting from use of source code control  are
       also dealt with.  whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in a list of standard Linux places.


-b     Search only for binaries.

      #相当于 which ls

-m     Search only for manual sections.


-s     Search only for sources.


       -B     Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for binaries.

-M     Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for manual sections.

-S     Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for sources.

-u     Search  for  unusual  entries.   A  file  is  said  to  be  unusual  if  it  does  not  have  one entry of each requested type.  Thus
              `whereis  -m  -u  *‘ asks for those files in the current directory which have no documentation.

-f     Terminate the last directory list and signals the start of file names, and must be used when any of the -B, -M,  or  -S  options  are

       Find all files in /usr/bin which are not documented in /usr/man/man1 with source in /usr/src:

example% cd /usr/bin
              example% whereis -u -M /usr/man/man1 -S /usr/src -f *





       Since whereis uses chdir(2V) to run faster, pathnames given with the -M, -S, or -B must be full; that is, they must begin with a `/‘.

whereis has a hard-coded path, so may not always find what you‘re looking for.

       The whereis command is part of the util-linux package and is available from

util-linux                                                           July 2009                                                           WHEREIS(1)

时间: 2024-10-12 19:26:53

Linux -- which whereis的相关文章


whereis命令只能用于程序名的搜索,而且只搜索二进制文件(参数-b).man说明文件(参数-m)和源代码文件(参数-s).如果省略参数,则返回所有信息. 和find相比,whereis查找的速度非常快,这是因为linux系统会将 系统内的所有文件都记录在一个数据库文件中,当使用whereis和下面即将介绍的locate时,会从数据库中查找数据,而不是像find命令那样,通过遍历硬盘来查找,效率自然会很高. 但是该数据库文件并不是实时更新,默认情况下时一星期更新一次,因此,我们在用wherei

Linux文件管理 whereis

whereis 搜索程序简单快速 命令英文原意 where is 命令格式 whereis [-bmsu] [BMS 目录名 -f ] 文件名 命令功能 whereis命令是定位可执行文件.源代码文件.帮助文件在文件系统中的位置.这些文件的属性应属于原始代码,二进制文件,或是帮助文件.whereis 程序还具有搜索源代码.指定备用搜索路径和搜索不寻常项的能力.whereis查找的速度非常快,这是因为linux系统会将系统内的所有文件都记录在一个数据库文件中,当使用whereis,会从数据库中查找

Linux 操作命令 whereis

1.简介 ????whereis 命令查找速度非常快,因为它不是在磁盘中乱找,而是在一个数据库中(/var/lib/mlocate/)查询; 数据库是 Linux 系统自动创建的,包含有本地所有文件的信息,并且每天通过自动执行 updatedb 命令更新一次,就会使得 whereis 命令的搜索结果有时候会不准确,比如刚添加的文件可能搜不到???? 2.主要功能 ????whereis 命令主要用于定位可执行文件(除shell 内置命令外).源代码文件.帮助文件在文件系统中的位置 ????whe


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