【贪心专题】HDU 1049 Climbing Worm (爬井趣题)

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int a,b,c,i,j;
        int i=0,s=0;
    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-08 09:37:24

【贪心专题】HDU 1049 Climbing Worm (爬井趣题)的相关文章

HDU 1049.Climbing Worm【水!水!水!】【8月25】

Climbing Worm Problem Description An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it slips down d inches. The process of

hdu 1049 Climbing Worm

Problem Description An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it slips down d inches. The process of climbing and

NYOJ 1049 Climbing Worm

Climbing Worm Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 12116    Accepted Submission(s): 8149 Problem Description An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough ener

HDOJ 1049 Climbing Worm

Climbing Worm Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 12116    Accepted Submission(s): 8149 Problem Description An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough ener

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链接:click here~~ 题意:老鼠准备了M磅猫食,准备拿这些猫食跟猫交换自己喜欢的食物.有N个房间,每个房间里面都有食物.你可以得到J[i]单位的食物,但你需要付出F[i]单位的的猫食. 计算M磅猫食可以获得最多食物的重量. [解题思路]贪心算法,求最优解.将J[i]/F[i]的值从大到小排列,每次取最大的,局部最优,达到全局最优,从而获得最大值. 代码: // 贪心策略,优先选择投资最大的房间,每选择一次,交换次数依次减少,最后的次数用于价值最小的 //注意精度转化:1.0*(int

杭电OJ(HDU)-ACM Steps-Chapter Two-《Biker&#39;s Trip Odometer》《Climbing Worm》《hide handkerchief》《Nasty Hac》

1.2.1 Biker's Trip Odometer #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> const double PI=acos(-1.0); /* 计算题,根据公式做就行,PI*d*r/(12*5280);res1/t*3600; Sample Input 26 1000 5 27.25 873234 3000 26 0 1000 Sample Output Trip #1: 1.29 928.20 Trip #2: 1179.86 1415


贪心: 原则是根据固定的一个或几个属性进行抉择.达到缩小规模的目的. split to steps and shrink scope 有点双端/DAG图的意思. reference 最近做的几个贪心题目 hdu 1052(田忌赛马) 根据马的速度排序,然后两边最小值,最大值的判断.这样做是因为两端的选择是唯一的,TJ最弱的马/最强的如果可以战胜那就是最好的抉择,不然就让其去当炮灰.(减少规模) #include<set> #include<cmath> #include<cs

16.10.20 4th 1蛤蟆爬井 2一维数组 3二维数组

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