

















  Jack Shepard随大洋航班815来到了小岛。同样有许多相当酷看起来像电视明星一样的人:Sawyer,Kate,Sun,Jin,Sayid和Hurley。他们坠毁到了岛上,而且活了下来。






  在最终季我们看到出现了另一个现实世界,在那里大洋航班815的所有乘客——包括Jack Shepard——安全降落在了洛山矶,好像飞机从未坠毁在岛上。他们基本上在这个地方花了整整六季试图“释怀”他们生命中最大的遗憾/事件。(Ben的负罪在于害死了自己的女儿Alex,Locke因为他的父亲导致了瘫痪,Jin和Sun的负罪在于放弃了他们的女儿还不知道她是否平安,Hurley的负罪在于他的钱带来了噩运,Sayid的愿望是救Shannon/Nadia,Claire的负罪在于打算把她的孩子送人,Jack的愿望是原谅他的父亲并且打破怪圈自己也成为一个好父亲,等等…)















It seems some people are having a hard time abiding by Lost‘s final message: Let go and
move on.

And by "some people," I mean not only diehard fans—like, ahem, moi—but also casual viewers and people who tuned in for the very first time on Sunday night to see what
Lost was all about. (Bat-poop crazy, but yes, they really did!)

I‘m still getting bombarded by questions about the Lost finale, so if you, or any of your non-Lost-worshipping friends are still struggling to comprehend, here is a stripped-down guide to what
Lost is all about (according to this here idiot)...

There is an island. It really exists, and the people on it do too.

At the heart of this island is a "Light."

This Light is the good place you go to after you die where you get to reconnect with your loved ones in the afterlife. You can call it heaven, Nirvana, or whatever you like. It‘s the most beautiful place you will ever see.

If the Light on the island goes out, you don‘t get to be with your loved ones when you die. They simply "cease to exist." And that is a very bad thing.

The Light on the island is so beautiful and powerful, that men will always try to get at it, study it and harness it--including most recently, a group of scientists called the Dharma Initiative who inhabited the island for many decades. They could never
fully understand the island because they were men of science, not men of faith.

To make sure the Light isn‘t destroyed by men like these, the island needs a Protector. (The Egyptians tried to build a giant Protector statue on the island, but it was reduced to a four-toed foot when a giant slave ship called the Black Rock hit it.)


The first Protector we met, Jacob, was sweet but a total dumbass who did exactly what his mother told him
not to, and threw his brother Samuel (also called the Man in Black) into the Light. Samuel faced a fate "worse than death" (as his mother foretold), and became what
Lost fans call "the Smoke Monster." If this evil entity were to leave or destroy the island, all the evil would escape out into the world, and the Light/heaven would be no more.

Jacob needed to make sure that he had a successor, to prevent this from ever happening. There were no pure souls or babies on the island (because of  electromagnetic fallout from the "incident" in 1977 that caused fertility issues). So Jacob selected "candidates"
away from the island, went out into the world to meet them, touched them (so the Monster couldn‘t kill them), and then brought them to the island by way of plane crash. (The Protector can also change the weather, sometimes subconciously, to make stuff like
that happen--which is probably why the Dharma initiative also studied weather there--but Jacob didn‘t do so in this case.)

Jack Shephard was on that plane that came to the island. Oceanic 815. So were a lot of other really cool people who happened to look like TV stars: Sawyer, Kate, Sun, Jin, Sayid and Hurley. They crashed on the island, and they were alive.

They were Jacob‘s "candidates." It was their destiny to come to the island.

It was Jack‘s destiny to kill the Smoke Monster and save the island. And he spent six seasons trying to figure it out.

In the meantime, the Smoke Monster was running around terrorizing/killing everyone, taking the form of dead people (he can do that) and manipulating a longtime island dweller, Ben, into doing his bidding. The Monster ultimately tricked Ben into killing Locke
(a "candidate") and Jacob. The Monster took the form of Locke.

And the island needed a new Protector.


In the final season, we saw what appeared to be an alternate reality in which the passengers of Oceanic 815—including Jack Shephard—landed safely in Los Angeles, as if the plane had never crashed on the island. They basically spent the entire sixth season
in this place trying to "let go" of their life‘s biggest regrets/issues. (Ben‘s guilt over killing his daughter Alex, Locke‘s crippling problems with his father, Jin and Sun‘s guilt over abandoning their daughter and not knowing if she‘s OK, Hurley‘s guilt
over his money doing evil things, Sayid‘s desire to save Shannon/Nadia, Claire‘s guilt over planning to give away her baby, Jack‘s desire to forgive his father and break the cycle by becoming a
good father himself, etc...)

In the finale, we learned that this place (in which the flight landed safely) was a passageway from death into the Light/heaven. The characters we saw there had all died in different times in different places, and they met up in this place (where time is
irrelevant) to work out their remaining regrets, reconnect with their loved ones, and move on to the Light together.

After Jack sacrificed himself to save the island,  they all crossed over to the Light and lived blissfully ever after.

They lived together. And they did not die alone.


Make any sense? Maybe so, maybe not.

Do you agree? Maybe so, maybe not.

That‘s really, ultimately, the beauty of the story of Lost. That it is so very open to interpretation.

Whether you loved or hated the finale (it‘s no secret I loved it), one of the coolest things I‘ve been hearing over the past few days is that some fans are liking it more the more they‘ve thought about it. I think it‘s a finale that grows on you,
if you let it. How many other finales can say the same?

So now that you‘ve had a few days to process it all, I‘d love to hear from you fans below (and you can take the poll, just for fun).

What do you think now of the Lost finale?

时间: 2025-01-02 06:47:16


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第一次潜心学习一个月时间,看完了<大话设计模式>和<Effective C++>两本书,两本书的前半部分都比较容易,但是后期的部分,比如:C++的内存,异常和模板的知识就很难理解了.也许和自己很少用异常处理和模板的关系吧.自己坚持了一个月,无论如何,这两本书给我带来了很多新的知识,发现了自己的不足.接下来打算继续看<C++ Templates>这本书,希望能弥补自己在模板编程方便的不足和为以后研究STL和Boost打下坚实的基础.废话少说,言归正传.下面说一下两本书的最


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福建工程学院第十二届ACM程序设计大赛真题 AC的故事大结局山寨版(下) TimeLimit:2000MS  MemoryLimit:128MB 64-bit integer IO format:%lld 已解决 | 点击收藏 Problem Description 小A算出幕后黑手的人员是如此之多,知道在我们华夏,手段通天者必然身居高位,仅仅靠他们的力量恐怕难以和他们对抗. 于是小A和小C找到了以前认识的检察官侯亮平,告诉侯亮平事情的始末后,他们立马通知赵东来安排了人手准备逮捕嫌疑人祁同伟(这