SSISDB4:使用 Debug Dump Files

In Integration Services, you can create debug dump files that provide information about the execution of a package. The information in these files can help you in troubleshooting package execution issues.

By default, Integration Services stores these files in the folder, <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\ErrorDumps.

创建 Debug dump file的sp如下,只能为running package创建debug dump files。

create_execution_dump [ @execution_id = ] execution_id

Causes a running package to pause and create a dump file. The file is stored in the <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\ErrorDumps folder.

[ @execution_id = ] execution_id

The execution ID for the running package. The execution_id is bigint.

Errors and Warnings  

The following list describes conditions that cause the stored procedure to fail.

  • An invalid execution ID is specified.
  • The package has already completed.
  • The package is currently creating a dump file.


Working with Debug Dump Files


时间: 2024-12-14 18:49:54

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