Java's Volatile Keyword


The Java volatile keyword is used to mark a Java variable as "being stored in main memory". More precisely that means, that every read of a volatile variable will be read from the computer‘s main memory, and not from the CPU cache, and that every write to a volatile variable will be written to main memory, and not just to the CPU cache.

Actually, since Java 5 the volatile keyword guarantees more than just that volatile variables are written to and read from main memory. I will explain that in the following sections.

Java volatile Guarantees Variable Visibility

The Java volatile keyword guarantees visibility of changes to variables across threads. This may sound a bit abstract, so let me elaborate.

In a multithreaded application where the threads operate on non-volatile variables, each thread may copy variables from main memory into a CPU cache while working on them, for performance reasons. If your computer contains more than one CPU, each thread may run on a different CPU. That means, that each thread may copy the variables into the CPU cache of different CPUs. This diagram illustrates such a situation:

With non-volatile variables there are no guarantees about when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) reads data from main memory into CPU caches, or writes data from CPU caches to main memory. Let me explain what problems that can cause with an example:

Imagine a situation in which two or more threads have access to a shared object which contains a counter variable declared like this:

public class SharedObject {

    public int counter = 0;


Thread 1 could read a shared counter variable with the value 0 into its CPU cache, increment it to 1 and not write the changed value back into main memory. Thread 2 could then read the same countervariable from main memory where the value of the variable is still 0, into its own CPU cache. Thread 2 could then also increment the counter to 1, and also not write it back to main memory. Thread 1 and Thread 2 are now practically out of sync. The real value of the shared counter variable should have been 2, but each of the threads has the value 1 for the variable in their CPU caches, and in main memory the value is still 0. It is a mess! Even if the threads eventually write their value for the sharedcounter variable back to main memory, the value will be wrong.

By declaring the shared counter variable volatile the JVM guarantees that every read of the variable will always be read from main memory, and that all writes to the variable will always be written back to main memory. Here is how the volatile declaration looks:

public class SharedObject {

    public volatile int counter = 0;


In some cases simply declaring a variable volatile may be enough to assure that multiple threads accessing the variable see the latest written value. I will get back to which cases volatile is sufficient later.

In the situation with the two threads reading and writing the same variable, simply declaring the variable volatile is not enough. Thread 1 may read the counter value 0 into a CPU register in CPU 1. At the same time (or right after) Thread 2 may read the counter value 0 into a CPU register in CPU 2. Both threads have read the value directly from main memory. Now both variables increase the value and writes the value back to main memory. They both increment their register version of counter to 1, and both write the value 1 back to main memory. The value should have been 2 after two increments.

The problem with multiple threads that do not see the latest value of a variable because that value has not yet been written back to main memory by another thread, is called a "visibility" problem. The updates of one thread are not visible to other threads.

Since Java 5 the volatile keyword guarantees more than just the reading and writing of a variable from and to main memory.

And "visibility" problem have been solved.

Java's Volatile Keyword

时间: 2024-08-08 05:39:05

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2 Java基础语法(keyword,标识符,凝视,常量,进制转换,变量,数据类型,数据类型转换)

1:keyword(掌握) (1)被Java语言赋予特定含义的单词 (2)特点: 所有小写. (3)注意事项: A:goto和const作为保留字存在. B:类似于Notepad++这种高级记事本会对keyword有特殊颜色标记 2:标识符(掌握) (1)就是给类,接口.方法,变量等起名字的字符序列 (2)组成规则: A:英文大写和小写字母 B:数字 C:$和_ (3)注意事项: A:不能以数字开头 B:不能是java中的keyword C:区分大写和小写 (4)常见的命名规则(见名知意) A:


先补充一下概念:Java 内存模型中的可见性.原子性和有序性. 可见性: 可见性是一种复杂的属性,因为可见性中的错误总是会违背我们的直觉.通常,我们无法确保执行读操作的线程能适时地看到其他线程写入的值,有时甚至是根本不可能的事情.为了确保多个线程之间对内存写入操作的可见性,必须使用同步机制. 可见性,是指线程之间的可见性,一个线程修改的状态对另一个线程是可见的.也就是一个线程修改的结果.另一个线程马上就能看到.比如:用volatile修饰的变量,就会具有可见性.volatile修饰的变量不允许线