master log 与relay log的关系

--master log 与relay log的关系


Just to clarify, there are three sets of
file/position coordinates in SHOW SLAVE STATUS:

1) The position, ON THE MASTER, from which the
I/O thread is reading: Master_Log_File/Read_Master_Log_Pos. -----相对于主库,从库读取主库的二进制日志的位置,是IO线程

2) The position, IN THE RELAY LOGS, at which
the SQL thread is executing: Relay_Log_File/Relay_Log_Pos ----相对于从库,是从库的sql线程执行到的位置

3) The position, ON THE MASTER, at which the
SQL thread is executing: Relay_Master_Log_File/Exec_Master_Log_Pos

Numbers 2) and 3) are the same thing, but one
is on the slave and the other is on the master.

mysql > show slave status \G

Master_Log_File: mysql-bin-m.000329


Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay.003990


Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin-m.000329




Slave_IO_Running: Yes

Slave_SQL_Running: Yes


# at 863936961

#100111 20:11:39 server id 115000 end_log_pos 863937234 Query thread_id=515886 exec_time=0 error_code=0

use mall00/*!*/;

UPDATE mall00.t_item_sid88 SET item_end_time = 1263816699, item_is_online = 1, item_status = 1 WHERE iid IN (94322390, 94322428, 94322452, 94322473, 94322506, 94322532, 94322604, 94322641, 94322670, 94322706)/*!*/;

# at 863937234

#100111 20:11:39 server id 115000 end_log_pos 863937261 Xid = 1225244590


# at 863937261


# at 25077069

#100111 20:11:39 server id 115000 end_log_pos 863937234 Query thread_id=515886 exec_time=0 error_code=0

use mall00/*!*/;

UPDATE mall00.t_item_sid88 SET item_end_time = 1263816699, item_is_online = 1, item_status = 1 WHERE iid IN (94322390, 94322428, 94322452, 94322473, 94322506, 94322532, 94322604, 94322641, 94322670, 94322706)/*!*/;

# at 25077342

#100111 20:11:39 server id 115000 end_log_pos 863937261 Xid = 1225244590





25077342-25077069(从库上event大小) =

异常crash导致relay-log buffer中的数据丢失.那么这时候就需要重设主从同步了.

时间: 2024-10-22 04:38:25

master log 与relay log的关系的相关文章

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Slave SQL_THREAD如何重放Relay log

复制的介绍: 根据日志定义的模式不一样,可以分为:Statement(SBR)模式,Row(RBR)格式或者是MIXED格式,记录最小的单位是一个Event,binlog日志前4个字节是一个magic number,接下来19个字节记录Format desc evnet:FDE.MySQL5.6版本增加了GTID复制. 下面对三种binlog格式的优缺点: Statement(基于语句级的复制): 优点: 1)Binlog文件较小 2)日志是包含用户执行的原始SQL,方便统计和审计 3)出现最早

关于Relay Log无法自动删除的问题

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Relay log read failure错误解决

1.mysql版本 5.5.24 2.ip 3.查看下slave状态 mysql> show slave status\G; *************************** 1. row ***************************                Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event                   Master_Host:            

Relay log read failure

[email protected] > show slave status\G*************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event Master_Host: Master_User: mysqlsync Master_Port: 3306 Connect_Retry: 60 Master_Log_Fil

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