Palindrome Partitioning leetcode java


Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.

For example, given s = "aab",




1     public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> partition(String s) {
 2         ArrayList<String> item = new ArrayList<String>();
 3         ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
 5         if(s==null||s.length()==0)
 6             return res;
 8         dfs(s,0,item,res);
 9         return res;
10     }
12     public void dfs(String s, int start, ArrayList<String> item, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> res){
13         if (start == s.length()){
14             res.add(new ArrayList<String>(item));
15             return;
16         }
18         for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) {
19             String str = s.substring(start, i+1);
20             if (isPalindrome(str)) {
21                 item.add(str);
22                 dfs(s, i+1, item, res);
23                 item.remove(item.size() - 1);
24             }
25         }
26     }
29     public boolean isPalindrome(String s){
30          int low = 0;
31          int high = s.length()-1;
32          while(low < high){
33              if(s.charAt(low) != s.charAt(high))
34                 return false;
35              low++;
36              high--;
37          }
38          return true;
39     }

Palindrome Partitioning leetcode java

时间: 2024-12-25 02:48:18

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