The most impressive error in my project.

As a programmer, I write lots of code every day. I is obviously that I cannot ensure that all of the code is right. We all make some mistake in our daily life. In most of situation, we can correct it in a low cost. But sometimes these mistake may cost a lot.

During the last semester, there was a final project in JAVA WEB class. Teacher gave the require to us, then we code. My assignment is to design a web bank system. Bank clerk can use it to help normal user to query balance, withdraw money and transfer money. Before I hand in my project, I did not realize that my project had a serious error. During the presentation of my project, teacher asked me to withdraw 1000000000 yuan from an account that have only 1000000 yuan. Of course, teacher find out my error, I lost my point.

From that time, I know that some error that we make cannot be correct. This time I lost some points. But, what about next time. So what can I do is to be more careful in case of making mistake again. I donot konw how much the error will cost, but I can avoid it.

时间: 2024-08-08 12:23:59

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