How to debug PostgreSQL function with pgAdminIII

How to debug plpgsql with pgAdminIII

[[email protected] soft_bak]# git clone git://

Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/soft_bak/pldebugger/.git/

remote: Counting objects: 445, done.

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (341/341), done.

remote: Total 445 (delta 285), reused 171 (delta 104)

Receiving objects: 100% (445/445), 170.50 KiB | 54 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (285/285), done.

[[email protected] soft_bak]# cd pldebugger/

[[email protected] pldebugger]# ls

dbgcomm.c   Makefile           pldbgapi.control               pldebugger.proj     plugin_debugger.def  uninstall_pldbgapi.sql

dbgcomm.h   pldbgapi--1.0.sql  pldbgapi--unpackaged--1.0.sql  plpgsql_debugger.c  README.pldebugger

globalbp.h  pldbgapi.c         pldebugger.h                   plugin_debugger.c   settings.projinc

[[email protected] soft_bak]# cd postgresql-9.4.5/contrib/

[[email protected] contrib]# cp  -R /opt/soft_bak/pldebugger/ ./

[[email protected] contrib]# cd pldebugger/

[[email protected] pldebugger]# make

gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2 -fpic -I../../src/pl/plpgsql/src -I. -I. -I../../src/include -D_GNU_SOURCE   -c -o plpgsql_debugger.o plpgsql_debugger.c

gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2 -fpic -I. -I. -I../../src/include -D_GNU_SOURCE   -c -o plugin_debugger.o plugin_debugger.c

gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2 -fpic -I. -I. -I../../src/include -D_GNU_SOURCE   -c -o dbgcomm.o dbgcomm.c

gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2 -fpic -I. -I. -I../../src/include -D_GNU_SOURCE   -c -o pldbgapi.o pldbgapi.c

gcc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -fexcess-precision=standard -O2 -fpic -shared -o plpgsql_debugger.o plugin_debugger.o dbgcomm.o pldbgapi.o -L../../src/port -L../../src/common -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-rpath,‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/lib‘,--enable-new-dtags

[[email protected] pldebugger]# make install

/bin/mkdir -p ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/lib/postgresql‘

/bin/mkdir -p ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/postgresql/extension‘

/bin/mkdir -p ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/postgresql/extension‘

/bin/mkdir -p ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/doc//postgresql/extension‘

/usr/bin/install -c -m 755 ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/lib/postgresql/‘

/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 pldbgapi.control ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/postgresql/extension/‘

/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 pldbgapi--1.0.sql pldbgapi--unpackaged--1.0.sql ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/postgresql/extension/‘

/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 README.pldebugger ‘/ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/share/doc//postgresql/extension/‘

[[email protected] ~]# vim /ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/data/postgresql.conf

shared_preload_libraries = ‘$libdir/plugin_debugger‘

[[email protected] ~]# su - postgres

[[email protected] ~]$ cd /ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/bin/

[[email protected] bin]$ ./pg_ctl -D /ext4/pgdefaultgcc530/data/ restart

waiting for server to shut down.... done

server stopped

server starting

[[email protected] bin]$ LOG:  redirecting log output to logging collector process

HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".

[[email protected] bin]$ ./psql -h localhost -U postgres

psql (9.4.5)

Type "help" for help.

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pldbgapi;


postgres=# CREATE TABLE accounts(owner text, balance numeric, amount numeric);


postgres=# INSERT INTO accounts VALUES (‘Bob‘,100);


postgres=# INSERT INTO accounts VALUES (‘Mary‘,200);


postgres=# select * from accounts ;

owner | balance | amount


Bob   |     100 |

Mary  |     200 |

(2 rows)

postgres=# CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transfer(

postgres(# i_payer text,

postgres(# i_recipient text,

postgres(# i_amount numeric(15,2))

postgres-# RETURNS text

postgres-# AS

postgres-# $$

postgres$# DECLARE

postgres$# payer_bal numeric;

postgres$# BEGIN

postgres$# SELECT balance INTO payer_bal

postgres$# FROM accounts

postgres$# WHERE owner = i_payer FOR UPDATE;

postgres$# IF NOT FOUND THEN

postgres$# RETURN ‘Payer account not found‘;

postgres$# END IF;

postgres$# IF payer_bal < i_amount THEN

postgres$# RETURN ‘Not enough funds‘;

postgres$# END IF;

postgres$# UPDATE accounts

postgres$# SET balance = balance + i_amount

postgres$# WHERE owner = i_recipient;

postgres$# IF NOT FOUND THEN

postgres$# RETURN ‘Recipient does not exist‘;

postgres$# END IF;

postgres$# UPDATE accounts

postgres$# SET balance = balance - i_amount

postgres$# WHERE owner = i_payer;

postgres$# RETURN ‘OK‘;

postgres$# END;

postgres$# $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


postgres=# \df

List of functions

Schema |            Name             | Result data type |                       Argument data types                        |  Type


public | pldbg_abort_target          | SETOF boolean    | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_attach_to_port        | integer          | portnumber integer                                               | normal

public | pldbg_continue              | breakpoint       | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_create_listener       | integer          |                                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_deposit_value         | boolean          | session integer, varname text, linenumber integer, value text    | normal

public | pldbg_drop_breakpoint       | boolean          | session integer, func oid, linenumber integer                    | normal

public | pldbg_get_breakpoints       | SETOF breakpoint | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_get_proxy_info        | proxyinfo        |                                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_get_source            | text             | session integer, func oid                                        | normal

public | pldbg_get_stack             | SETOF frame      | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_get_target_info       | targetinfo       | signature text, targettype "char"                                | normal

public | pldbg_get_variables         | SETOF var        | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_oid_debug             | integer          | functionoid oid                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_select_frame          | breakpoint       | session integer, frame integer                                   | normal

public | pldbg_set_breakpoint        | boolean          | session integer, func oid, linenumber integer                    | normal

public | pldbg_set_global_breakpoint | boolean          | session integer, func oid, linenumber integer, targetpid integer | normal

public | pldbg_step_into             | breakpoint       | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_step_over             | breakpoint       | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_wait_for_breakpoint   | breakpoint       | session integer                                                  | normal

public | pldbg_wait_for_target       | integer          | session integer                                                  | normal

public | plpgsql_oid_debug           | integer          | functionoid oid                                                  | normal

public | transfer                    | text             | i_payer text, i_recipient text, i_amount numeric                 | normal

(22 rows)

Connect to PostgreSQL Server with pgAdminIII

Find to postgreSQL function to be debuged transfer

Right click the transfer function and Input the parameter to be test

时间: 2024-12-27 20:37:00

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