gcc compilation process..

gcc -Iproj/src myfile.c -o myfile
gcc -c myfile.c "compile without linking
gcc -D DEBUG myfile.c -o myfile
gcc -glevel  "level=0,1,3,null
"gcc -l links with a library file.
"gcc -L looks in directory for library files. "Link -l with library name without the lib prefix and the .a or .so extensions
gcc myfile.c -o myfile
gcc -Wall  "enable all warnings..


-I -L -l -D -g -O -o -Wall

about the -0 option.. ref to the following table..

Set the compiler‘s optimization level.

option optimization level execution time code size memory usage compile time
-O0 optimization for compilation time (default) + + - -
-O1 or -O optimization for code size and execution time - - + +
-O2 optimization more for code size and execution time --   + ++
-O3 optimization more for code size and execution time ---   + +++
-Os optimization for code size   --   ++
-Ofast O3 with fast none accurate math calculations ---   + +++

+increase ++increase more +++increase even more -reduce --reduce more ---reduce even more

时间: 2024-12-09 09:58:09

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