课程四(Convolutional Neural Networks),第三 周(Object detection) —— 0.Learning Goals

Learning Goals:

  • Understand the challenges of Object Localization, Object Detection and Landmark Finding
  • Understand and implement non-max suppression
  • Understand and implement intersection over union
  • Understand how we label a dataset for an object detection application
  • Remember the vocabulary of object detection (landmark, anchor, bounding box, grid, ...)



  • 了解对象定位、目标检测和特征点查询的挑战
  • 了解并实现non-max suppression
  • 了解并实现intersection over union
  • 了解如何为对象检测应用程序标记数据集
  • 记住对象检测的词汇表 (landmark、 anchor、bounding box、grid、...)


时间: 2024-08-30 12:33:12

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