麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,Tomcat 提供的自动部署.自动重加载.自动编译功能,可谓是让人又爱又恨.接下来就对这三者做一个介绍,文章中会Copy一些官方文档中的说法. If you are using the standard Host implementation, the following actions take place automatically when Catalina is first started, if the deployOnStartup property is set
1.1maven命令(部署项目到tomcat的一些常用命令) • mvn tomcat:run or mvn tomcat7:run is deploy to embedded maven tomcat6 or tomcat7 do not need to start tomcat first • mvn tomcat:deploy need to configure that : <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactI