Linsheng Electrical Company : Car Air Pump Use Precautions

When you are using a car, you will inevitably use a car air pump to pump the tires or check the tire pressure and other key issues. So what should you pay attention to when using the car air pump?  Linsheng Electrical Company    explained.

1. Every time you use the car air pump, you must use it
after starting the vehicle. If it is turned on at startup, the battery will be
fed, which will hurt the car battery.
2, car air pump because the power is
relatively small, so the inflation will be slower, many car owners will use the
car air pump for a long time, which is easy to cause the pump to be damaged due
to overheating, the correct way is to use a few minutes to stop the pump for
proper cooling .
3. Many vehicles are equipped with a tire pressure alarm
system, but there is no tire pressure value for each tire. At this time, do not
blindly use the car air pump directly. You can first measure the air pressure of
each tire with an air pump, and then select the air pressure. .
4, car air
pump is not suitable for inflating large off-road vehicles, large off-road
vehicles have high tire pressure, it is difficult to use the car air pump to
flush the tires of off-road vehicles.
5, many car owners will blindly use the
air pump, the air pump is actually only used for temporary emergency, if the
tire pressure is often unstable, it must be checked in time to prevent vehicle
6. The line of the car air pump is very thin. If it is not used or
stored improperly, it may cause the line to break. Therefore, the line must be
well used when it is used.


时间: 2024-08-30 17:43:50

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