Python Special Syntax 2


for i in a:
    print(‘zheli de i shi %d‘ % i)

报错: TypeError: ‘NoneType‘ object is not iterable

除非你提供你自己的return语句,每个函数都在结尾暗含有return None语句。


def testing(x):
    ‘‘‘This is a test function.

This is a great feature.You must learn how to use this.‘‘‘
    print(‘Your input is ‘,x)




This is a test function.

This is a great feature.You must learn how to use this.
(‘Your input is ‘, 18)
(‘Your input is ‘, 5)
Help on function testing in module __main__:

This is a test function.

This is a great feature.You must learn how to use this.


Python Special Syntax 2,布布扣,

时间: 2024-10-05 04:58:36

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