[Cocos2dx Bug] [win32] Function CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile forget consider the path separated by '\\'

[Cocos2dx 2.2.4]


const char* CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszRelativeFile)

方法中,没有考虑windows下的 path separated is ‘\\‘


1 const char* CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszRelativeFile)
2 {
3     std::string relativeFile = pszRelativeFile;
4     CCString *pRet = CCString::create("");
5     pRet->m_sString = relativeFile.substr(0, relativeFile.rfind(‘/‘) + 1);
6     pRet->m_sString += getNewFilename(pszFilename);
7     return pRet->getCString();
8 }


 1 const char* CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszRelativeFile)
 2 {
 3     std::string relativeFile = pszRelativeFile;
 4     CCString *pRet = CCString::create("");
 6     pRet->m_sString = relativeFile.substr(0, relativeFile.rfind(‘\\‘) + 1);
 7 #else
 8     pRet->m_sString = relativeFile.substr(0, relativeFile.rfind(‘/‘) + 1);
 9 #endif
10     pRet->m_sString += getNewFilename(pszFilename);
11     return pRet->getCString();
12 }

[Cocos2dx Bug] [win32] Function CCFileUtils::fullPathFromRelativeFile forget consider the path separated by '\\'

时间: 2024-12-21 10:15:30

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编译出现的错误: 1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: HelloCpp, 配置: Debug Win32 ------ 1>生成启动时间为 2014/5/9 14:43:43. 1>InitializeBuildStatus: 1>  正在创建"Debug.win32\HelloCpp.unsuccessfulbuild",因为已指定"AlwaysCreate". 1>ClCompile: 1>  所有输出均为最新. 1>