leetcode-【hard】273. Integer to English Words


273. Integer to English Words

Convert a non-negative integer to its english words representation. Given input is guaranteed to be less than 231 - 1.

For example,

123 -> "One Hundred Twenty Three"
12345 -> "Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five"
1234567 -> "One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven"












  1 #include <vector>
  2 #include <string>
  4 using std::vector;
  5 using std::string;
  7 string n2s[] = {"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};
  8 string g2s[] = {"Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"};
  9 string t2s[] = {"Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"};
 11 class Solution {
 12 private:
 13     vector<string> ans;
 15 public:
 16     string numberToWords(int num) {
 17         if(num == 0)
 18         {
 19             return "Zero";
 20         }
 22         unsigned int rem;
 23         unsigned int one;
 24         unsigned int two;
 25         unsigned int three;
 27         string perAns;
 28         ans.clear();
 30         do
 31         {
 32             //获取余数
 33             rem = num % 1000;
 34             num = num /1000;
 36             //存储每次计算的结果
 37             perAns.clear();
 38             perAns = "";
 40             //一千以内的数,取每一位
 41             one = rem % 10;
 42             two = (rem / 10) % 10;
 43             three = (rem / 100) % 10;
 45             if(three != 0)
 46             {
 47                 perAns += n2s[three - 1];
 48                 perAns += " Hundred";
 49             }
 51             //如果后两位都为0,那么后面就没有数了,也就不需要加空格
 52             if(perAns != "" && (one != 0 || two != 0))
 53             {
 54                 perAns += " ";
 55             }
 57             if(two == 1)
 58             {
 59                 //考虑最后一位是否为0的情况,因最后两位为10时,需要用“ten”
 60                 //否则就是十位数
 61                 if(one == 0)
 62                 {
 63                     perAns += t2s[0];
 64                 }else
 65                 {
 66                     perAns += g2s[one - 1];
 67                 }
 68             //考虑two不为0,不为1,则按一般规则去计算
 69             }else if(two != 0)
 70             {
 71                 perAns += t2s[two - 1];
 73                 if(one != 0)
 74                 {
 75                     perAns += " ";//如果最后一位不为0,需要在其前面加空格
 76                     perAns += n2s[one - 1];
 77                 }
 78             //考虑two为0的情况
 79             }else
 80             {
 81                 if(one != 0)
 82                 {
 83                     perAns += n2s[one - 1];
 84                 }
 85             }
 87             //将结果存储到ans中,ans中的答案是以逆序形式存储了每个千位数
 88             ans.push_back(perAns);
 89         }while(num != 0);
 91         string result = "";
 92         unsigned int len = ans.size();
 93         //len最大长度为4,考虑每种位数就行,这里用的时候就会发现,合理使用goto,程序逻辑会很清晰
 94         switch(len)
 95         {
 96             case 4:goto three;break;
 97             case 3:goto two;break;
 98             case 2:goto one;break;
 99             case 1:goto zero;break;
100         }
102         three:
103         if(ans[3] != "")
104         {
105             result += ans[3];
106             result += " Billion";
108             if(ans[2] != "" || ans[1] != "" || ans[0] != "")
109             {
110                 result += " ";
111             }
112         }
114         two:
115         if(ans[2] != "")
116         {
117             result += ans[2];
118             result += " Million";
120             if(ans[1] != "" || ans[0] != "")
121             {
122                 result += " ";
123             }
124         }
126         one:
127         if(ans[1] != "")
128         {
129             result += ans[1];
130             result += " Thousand";
132             if(ans[0] != "")
133             {
134                 result += " ";
135             }
136         }
138         zero:
139         if(ans[0] != "")
140         {
141             result += ans[0];
142         }
144         return result;
145     }
146 };

说明: 合理使用goto会取到很好的效果哦

时间: 2024-08-05 11:12:59

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