Neutron LBaaS Service(2)—— Neutron Services Insertion Model

Service Insertion

Service Insertion是Neutron中实现L4/L7层服务的框架。Neutron以前只有一级插件结构用于实现各种L2层技术(如LinuxBridge,OVS等,部署时分两块:用于和数据库打交道的NeutronPlugin+用于干实际事情的L2Agent),对于L3层的路由和dhcp是采用单独的agent(l3-agent,dhcp-agent)来实现的。但L4-L7层服务要求:



(3) 还有一种叫Out-of-Path模式,可能在实现sFlow之类的监控时有用:Where the service also runs in a standalone way but in this case the traffic is first sent to the Router entity and then redirected to the Advanced Service, finally send it back to the routed with specific configuration. In particular, this model could be reduced to the first assuming that a standalone service is regarded as a peculiar case of router capable of providing only a specific service. This mode needs specific changes at the routing entity and may not be implemented in Grizzly release.


Service Type Concept

Just like the Quantum plugins allow for using several technologies for implementing the basic logical topologies, advanced services will use a similar mechanism. However, for advanced services, multiple different implementations of the same kind of service might co-exist in the same deployment. There are a number of reasons for this, most importantly the ability of giving tenants a choice among solutions. The Service Type concept tries to address the need for multiple, co-existing, service providers.

A Service Type definitions might be regarded as list of services (and their providers) which can be offered to tenants. Each advanced service, regardless of its insertion mode, should be either directly or indirectly associated with a single service type.

The association between a service and a service type can happen in two ways, according to the insertion mode of the service.

  • Routed Insertion mode: The advanced service will be associated with Quantum logical router, which in turn is associated with a service_type resource;

In order to ensure backward compatibility a default service type must be specified. This implies that all the services which will be inserted on a router will share the same service type.

  • Floating Insertion mode: The service type should be explicitly specified on the advanced service being created; if not, the default service type will be used.

When an advanced service is created at the API layer one of the following two should be specified:

  1. service_type_id # floating or out-of-path insertion
  2. router_id # routed or in-path insertion

It should not be allowed to specify both parameters.

The logical model for service insertion, augmented with the service type concept, is depicted in the following diagram:


1, 在NeutronPlugin的配置文件/etc/neutron/neutron.conf中配置核心插件和服务插件:


core_plugin =neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin.OVSNeutronPluginV2


self.service_plugins ={constants.CORE:self.plugin}





Service Chain



  • L3, 这类服务有ip具有路由流量,它运行在router上,或者不运行在router上但具有l3-forwarding的功能,如LBaaS
  • L2,这类服务具有交换流量,有能力做l2-switching和mac地址学习,如L2-Firewallservice(如用ovs的流表来代替iptables)。
  • Bump-in-the-wire,嵌入式服务,这类服务既无路由流量也无交换流量,只有出口和入口port,服务在入口port之前就运行了,如Firewallperforming filtering and auditing。
  • Tap, 这类服务在servicechain中仅在特定的点消费流量,如monitoringservice


  • 服务由硬件设备来提供(如LB或Firewall硬件设备),neutron也需要提供一个port去请求这些设备来服务。
  • 服务由VM来提供,neutron也需要提供一个port去请求这个可能是独立也可能是共享的VM。
  • tenant已经有一个现成的服务实现了,可能需要组合上述两步去请求它。

Neutron LbaaS的应用场景及实现要点


  • VIP可以设置在router上
  • VIP也可以不设置在router上




-A nova-compute-local -d -jnova-compute-haproxy-instance

-A nova-compute-haproxy-instance -s ACCEPT

-A nova-compute-haproxy-instance -s udp -m udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT

-A nova-compute-haproxy-instance -jnova-compute-sg-fallback

-A nova-compute-sg-fallback -j DROP


route add default gw


-A nova-network-POSTROUTING -s -d10.0.0.0/8 -m conntrack ! --ctstate DNAT -j ACCEPT



Neutron LBaaS Service(2)—— Neutron Services Insertion Model

时间: 2024-08-12 21:51:21

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