KeePass v1.30

Changes from 1.29 to 1.30:

New Features:
Refined application icons (thanks to Victor Andreyenkov).
Added option ‘UUID‘ in the ‘Find‘ dialog (to search in UUIDs of entries).
Added option ‘Delete attachments‘ in the ‘Mass Modify‘ dialog.
Key provider plugin API: added support for a direct key flag that instructs KeePass to use a key provided by the plugin as-is, i.e. without hashing it using SHA-256.
Added workaround for Windows XP non-client metrics bug.
The installer now prevents running the installer while it is already running.
All KeePass program binaries are now dual signed using SHA-1 and SHA-256.

Quick searches (toolbar) now also search in UUIDs of entries.
Improved icon recoloring.
The password generator based on a character set now ensures that the generated password is Spr-invariant.
Password generator based on a pattern: when a Spr-variant password is generated, a confirmation dialog for accepting this password is displayed.
KeePass is now compiled with Windows Vista definitions (but still also runs on older Windows systems).
Added support for compiling KeePass with Visual Studio 2015.
Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.60.0.
Upgraded installer.
Various code optimizations.
Minor other improvements.

The main window is now updated immediately after closing the ‘Mass Modify‘ dialog.


时间: 2024-12-20 18:17:14

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