


public static final String LANGUAGE      = "prop.language";


public Connection connect(String url, Properties info)
        throws SQLException  {
        if (url == null || !url.toLowerCase().startsWith(driverPrefix)) {
            return null;

        Properties props = setupConnectProperties(url, info);

        if (JDBC3) {
            return new ConnectionJDBC3(url, props);

        return new ConnectionJDBC2(url, props);


ConnectionJDBC2(String url, Properties info)
            throws SQLException {
        this.url = url;
        // Extract properties into instance variables
        this.messages = new SQLDiagnostic(serverType);
        // Get the instance port, if it is specified.
        // Named pipes use instance names differently.
        if (instanceName.length() > 0 && !namedPipe) {
            final MSSqlServerInfo msInfo = new MSSqlServerInfo(serverName);

            portNumber = msInfo.getPortForInstance(instanceName);

            if (portNumber == -1) {
                throw new SQLException(
                                      Messages.get("error.msinfo.badinst", serverName, instanceName),

        SharedSocket.setMemoryBudget(bufferMaxMemory * 1024);
        SQLWarning warn;

        try {
            Object timer = null;
            if (loginTimeout > 0) {
                // Start a login timer
                timer = TimerThread.getInstance().setTimer(loginTimeout * 1000,
                        new TimerThread.TimerListener() {
                            public void timerExpired() {
                                if (socket != null) {

            if (namedPipe) {
                // Use named pipe
                socket = createNamedPipe(this);
            } else {
                // Use plain TCP/IP socket
                socket = new SharedSocket(this);

            if (timer != null && TimerThread.getInstance().hasExpired(timer)) {
                // If the timer has expired during the connection phase, close
                // the socket and throw an exception
                throw new IOException("Login timed out");

            if ( charsetSpecified ) {
            } else {
                // Need a default charset to process login packets for TDS 4.2/5.0
                // Will discover the actual serverCharset later
                serverCharset = ""; // But don‘t send charset name to server!

            // Create TDS protocol object
            baseTds = new TdsCore(this, messages);

            // Negotiate SSL connection if required
            if (tdsVersion >= Driver.TDS80 && !namedPipe) {
                baseTds.negotiateSSL(instanceName, ssl);

            // Now try to login

            if (timer != null) {
                // Cancel loginTimer

            // Save any login warnings so that they will not be overwritten by
            // the internal configuration SQL statements e.g. setCatalog() etc.
            warn = messages.warnings;

            // Update the tdsVersion with the value in baseTds. baseTds sets
            // the TDS version for the socket and there are no other objects
            // with cached TDS versions at this point.
            tdsVersion = baseTds.getTdsVersion();
            if (tdsVersion < Driver.TDS70 && databaseName.length() > 0) {
                // Need to select the default database
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            throw Support.linkException(
                    new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.badhost",
                            e.getMessage()), "08S03"), e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (loginTimeout > 0 && e.getMessage().indexOf("timed out") >= 0) {
                throw Support.linkException(
                        new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.timeout"), "HYT01"), e);
            throw Support.linkException(
                    new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.ioerror",
                            e.getMessage()), "08S01"), e);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            if (loginTimeout > 0 && e.getMessage().indexOf("socket closed") >= 0) {
                throw Support.linkException(
                        new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.timeout"), "HYT01"), e);

            throw e;

        // If charset is still unknown and the collation is not set either,
        // determine the charset by querying (we‘re using Sybase or SQL Server
        // 6.5)
        if ((serverCharset == null || serverCharset.length() == 0)
                && collation == null) {

        // Initial database settings.
        // Sets: auto commit mode  = true
        //       transaction isolation = read committed.
        if (serverType == Driver.SYBASE) {
        } else {
            // Also discover the maximum decimal precision:  28 (default)
            // or 38 for MS SQL Server 6.5/7, or 38 for 2000 and later.
            Statement stmt = this.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL_SERVER_INITIAL_SQL);

            if (rs.next()) {
                maxPrecision = rs.getByte(1);


        // Restore any login warnings so that the user can retrieve them
        // by calling Connection.getWarnings()
        messages.warnings = warn;
protected void unpackProperties(Properties info)        throws SQLException {

    serverName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.SERVERNAME));    portNumber = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.PORTNUMBER);    serverType = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.SERVERTYPE);    databaseName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.DATABASENAME));    instanceName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.INSTANCE));    domainName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.DOMAIN));    user = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.USER));    password = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.PASSWORD));    macAddress = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.MACADDRESS));    appName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.APPNAME));    progName = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.PROGNAME));    wsid = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.WSID));    serverCharset = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.CHARSET));    language = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.LANGUAGE));    lastUpdateCount = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.LASTUPDATECOUNT)));    useUnicode = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.SENDSTRINGPARAMETERSASUNICODE)));    namedPipe = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.NAMEDPIPE)));    tcpNoDelay = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.TCPNODELAY)));    useCursors = (serverType == Driver.SQLSERVER)            && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(                    info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.USECURSORS)));    useLOBs = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.USELOBS)));    useMetadataCache = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.CACHEMETA)));    xaEmulation = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(            info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.XAEMULATION)));    charsetSpecified = serverCharset.length() > 0;

    Integer parsedTdsVersion =            DefaultProperties.getTdsVersion(info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.TDS)));    if (parsedTdsVersion == null) {        throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.badprop",                Messages.get(Driver.TDS)), "08001");    }    tdsVersion = parsedTdsVersion.intValue();

    packetSize = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.PACKETSIZE);    if (packetSize < TdsCore.MIN_PKT_SIZE) {        if (tdsVersion >= Driver.TDS70) {            // Default of 0 means let the server specify packet size            packetSize = (packetSize == 0) ? 0 : TdsCore.DEFAULT_MIN_PKT_SIZE_TDS70;        } else if (tdsVersion == Driver.TDS42) {            // Sensible minimum for older versions of TDS            packetSize = TdsCore.MIN_PKT_SIZE;        } // else for TDS 5 can auto negotiate    }    if (packetSize > TdsCore.MAX_PKT_SIZE) {        packetSize = TdsCore.MAX_PKT_SIZE;    }    packetSize = (packetSize / 512) * 512;

    loginTimeout = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.LOGINTIMEOUT);    socketTimeout = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.SOTIMEOUT);    lobBuffer = parseLongProperty(info, Driver.LOBBUFFER);

    maxStatements = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.MAXSTATEMENTS);

    statementCache = new ProcedureCache(maxStatements);    prepareSql = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.PREPARESQL);    if (prepareSql < 0) {        prepareSql = 0;    } else if (prepareSql > 3) {        prepareSql = 3;    }    // For Sybase use equivalent of sp_executesql.    if (tdsVersion < Driver.TDS70 && prepareSql == TdsCore.PREPARE) {        prepareSql = TdsCore.EXECUTE_SQL;    }    // For SQL 6.5 sp_executesql not available so use stored procedures.    if (tdsVersion < Driver.TDS50 && prepareSql == TdsCore.EXECUTE_SQL) {        prepareSql = TdsCore.TEMPORARY_STORED_PROCEDURES;    }

    ssl = info.getProperty(Messages.get(Driver.SSL));

    batchSize = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.BATCHSIZE);    if (batchSize < 0) {        throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.badprop",                Messages.get(Driver.BATCHSIZE)), "08001");    }

    bufferMaxMemory = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.BUFFERMAXMEMORY);    if (bufferMaxMemory < 0) {        throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.badprop",                Messages.get(Driver.BUFFERMAXMEMORY)), "08001");    }

    bufferMinPackets = parseIntegerProperty(info, Driver.BUFFERMINPACKETS);    if (bufferMinPackets < 1) {        throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.connection.badprop",                Messages.get(Driver.BUFFERMINPACKETS)), "08001");    }}




     * Create (if necessary) and return a connection to the database.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
     * @return a database connection
    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
        return createDataSource().getConnection();
protected synchronized DataSource createDataSource()    throws SQLException {    if (closed) {        throw new SQLException("Data source is closed");    }

    // Return the pool if we have already created it    if (dataSource != null) {        return (dataSource);    }

    // create factory which returns raw physical connections    ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = createConnectionFactory();

    // create a pool for our connections    createConnectionPool();

    // Set up statement pool, if desired    GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory statementPoolFactory = null;    if (isPoolPreparedStatements()) {        statementPoolFactory = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory(null,                    -1, // unlimited maxActive (per key)                    GenericKeyedObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_FAIL,                    0, // maxWait                    1, // maxIdle (per key)                    maxOpenPreparedStatements);    }

    // Set up the poolable connection factory    createPoolableConnectionFactory(driverConnectionFactory, statementPoolFactory, abandonedConfig);

    // Create and return the pooling data source to manage the connections    createDataSourceInstance();

    try {        for (int i = 0 ; i < initialSize ; i++) {            connectionPool.addObject();        }    } catch (Exception e) {        throw new SQLNestedException("Error preloading the connection pool", e);    }

    return dataSource;}
protected ConnectionFactory createConnectionFactory() throws SQLException {    // Load the JDBC driver class    Class driverFromCCL = null;    if (driverClassName != null) {        try {            try {                if (driverClassLoader == null) {                    Class.forName(driverClassName);                } else {                    Class.forName(driverClassName, true, driverClassLoader);                }            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {                driverFromCCL = Thread.currentThread(                        ).getContextClassLoader().loadClass(                                driverClassName);            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            String message = "Cannot load JDBC driver class ‘" +                driverClassName + "‘";            logWriter.println(message);            t.printStackTrace(logWriter);            throw new SQLNestedException(message, t);        }    }

    // Create a JDBC driver instance    Driver driver = null;    try {        if (driverFromCCL == null) {            driver = DriverManager.getDriver(url);        } else {            // Usage of DriverManager is not possible, as it does not            // respect the ContextClassLoader            driver = (Driver) driverFromCCL.newInstance();            if (!driver.acceptsURL(url)) {                throw new SQLException("No suitable driver", "08001");             }        }    } catch (Throwable t) {        String message = "Cannot create JDBC driver of class ‘" +            (driverClassName != null ? driverClassName : "") +            "‘ for connect URL ‘" + url + "‘";        logWriter.println(message);        t.printStackTrace(logWriter);        throw new SQLNestedException(message, t);    }

    // Can‘t test without a validationQuery    if (validationQuery == null) {        setTestOnBorrow(false);        setTestOnReturn(false);        setTestWhileIdle(false);    }

    // Set up the driver connection factory we will use    String user = username;    if (user != null) {        connectionProperties.put("user", user);    } else {        log("DBCP DataSource configured without a ‘username‘");    }

    String pwd = password;    if (pwd != null) {        connectionProperties.put("password", pwd);    } else {        log("DBCP DataSource configured without a ‘password‘");    }

    ConnectionFactory driverConnectionFactory = new DriverConnectionFactory(driver, url, connectionProperties);    return driverConnectionFactory;}

关注红色代码,发现最终会new 一个DriverConnectionFactory

public class DriverConnectionFactory implements ConnectionFactory {
    public DriverConnectionFactory(Driver driver, String connectUri, Properties props) {
        _driver = driver;
        _connectUri = connectUri;
        _props = props;

    public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
        return _driver.connect(_connectUri,_props);

    protected Driver _driver = null;
    protected String _connectUri = null;
    protected Properties _props = null;

    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().getName() + " [" + String.valueOf(_driver) + ";" + String.valueOf(_connectUri) + ";"  + String.valueOf(_props) + "]";


public void addConnectionProperty(String name, String value) {
        connectionProperties.put(name, value);
        this.restartNeeded = true;


PS:如果没有写继承类,也可以使用xml定义,例如:<property name=“connectionProperties” value="LANGUAGE=简体中文"/>,如果存在多个需要配置的属性,使用英文分号隔开即可。我使用继承类来写主要是我只希望是SQLServer环境的时候这个参数才起作用,使用代码实现比较方便,XML怎么实现不是特别清楚。



时间: 2024-11-02 04:43:16



1.以windows验证模式进入数据库管理器. 2.右击sa,选择属性: 在常规选项卡中,重新填写密码和确认密码(改成个好记的).把强制实施密码策略去掉. 3.点击状态选项卡:勾选授予和启用.然后确定 4.右击实例名称(就是下图画红线的部分),选择属性. 5.点安全性,确认选择了SQL SERVER 和Windows身份验证模式. 6.重启SQLSERVER服务(重要).

java.sql.SQLException: 无法转换为内部表示 -〉java 查询oracle数据库返回错误信息

java.sql.SQLException: 无法转换为内部表示 Query: SELECT * FROM  nontheasttycoon Parameters: []    at org.apache.commons.dbutils.AbstractQueryRunner.rethrow(AbstractQueryRunner.java:392) ~[commons-dbutils-1.6.jar:1.6]    at org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunn


VB语言使用ADO连接.操作SQLServer数据库教程 这篇文章主要介绍了VB语言使用ADO连接.操作SQLServer数据库教程,本文讲解详细.代码中有大量注释,是非常好的一篇教程,需要的朋友可以参考下 几年前学过的VB几乎忘光了,这几天复习了下.VB连接ADO数据库并不是非常难. 连接第一步(要仔细看) 对于小白来讲,这里的教程最详细,连接ADO数据库第一步,要添加什么部件呢?全称是Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 (SP6) (OLEDB) 部件. 在Micr


虽然查询速度慢的原因很多,但是如果通过一定的优化,也可以使查询问题得到一定程度的解决. 查询速度慢的原因很多,常见如下几种: 1.没有索引或者没有用到索引(这是查询慢最常见的问题,是程序设计的缺陷) 2.I/O吞吐量小,形成了瓶颈效应. 3.没有创建计算列导致查询不优化. 4.内存不足 5.网络速度慢 6.查询出的数据量过大(可以采用多次查询,其他的方法降低数据量) 7.锁或者死锁(这也是查询慢最常见的问题,是程序设计的缺陷) 8.sp_lock,sp_who,活动的用户查看,原因是读写竞争资源


https://blog.csdn.net/xia13100004562/article/details/58598872 2016年12月19日 17:15:39 阅读数:6790 前面已经基本配置了sqlserver的环境,现在就用学习一下如何去操作数据库!!其实方法还是比较简单,可以参考一下mysql,尽量去跟mysql进行比较 1.学习的方法,最好是看手册 在前一篇文章中涉及到了连接数据库sqlsrv_connect();还记得我们mysql连接数据库的时候也是mysql_connect


SQLServer数据库自增长标识列的更新修改操作方法在日常的sql server开发中,经常会用到Identity类型的标识列作为一个表结构的自增长编号.比如文章编号.记录序号等等.自增长的标识列的引用很大程度上方便了数据库程序的开发,但是有时这个固执的字段类型也会带来一些麻烦. 一.修改标识列字段的值:(在执行insert时,将ID手动的设置成想要的值)有时,为了实现某个功能,需要修改类型为Identity自增长类型的字段的值,但由于标识的类型所限,这种操作默认是不允许的.比如,目前数据库有


声明:一直以来都以为javaweb程序连接数据库是一个很高大上很难的问题,结果今天学习了一下,不到两个小时就解决了,所以总结一篇博客. JavaWeb程序连接SQLserver数据库分为一下步骤: 1:在http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21599下载sqljdbc.jar的压缩包 2:解压之后,将sqljdbc4.jar复制粘贴到你项目的WEB-INF的lib目录下 3:需要知道一些数据库方面的技术知识: 先举个例子


很多时候,我们服务器的性能瓶颈会是在查询数据库的时候,所以对数据库的缓存非常重要,那么有没有一种方法,可以实现SQL SERVER数据库的缓存,当数据表没有更新时,就从缓存中读取,当有更新的时候,才从数据表中读取呢,答案是肯定的,这样的话我们对一些常用的基础数据表就可以缓存起来,比如做新闻系统的新闻类别等,每次就不需要从数据库中读取了,加快网站的访问速度. 那么如何开启SQLSERVER数据库缓存依赖,方法如下: 第一步:修改Web.Config的<system.web>节的配置,代码如下,让

Win7 sql2005附加数据库失败 错误5120

错误信息如下: 标题: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express------------------------------ 附加数据库 对于 服务器“TITANIC-PC/SQLEXPRESS”失败. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo) 有关帮助信息,请单击: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.30