

  1. The current thread changes state from Running to Waiting/Blocked as shown in the diagram below.
  2. Any other thread with reference to the thread currently sleeping (say t) can interrupt it calling t.interrupt()
    • the call to sleep has to be encapsulated to catch the checked exception of InterruptedException
  3. After the time period for which the thread was set to sleep it goes to the Runnable state andmight not run immediately! It has to wait for the Thread Scheduler to schedule it for its time slice.


  1. Calling it may cause the Thread Scheduler to move the current thread from Running toRunnable state and execute another same priority thread which was in Runnable state. This transition of state takes place only if there is some other thread of same priority in Runnable state. Hence the no guarantee that the thread will stop execution as the criteria of another same priority thread might not be met.
  2. .yield() is much based on the Thread Priorities concept. (All thread are assigned priorities and when a thread of higher priority is in Runnable state it ususally preempts / stops execution of lower priority threads depending on implementation of ThreadScheduler.)


  • both Thread.sleep() and Thread.yield() are static functions and affect the current thread executing it.
  • both the functions will not let go the synchronized locks they hold.

时间: 2024-12-30 06:25:17


Hbase delete遇到的常见异常: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

hbase 执行批量删除时出现错误: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at java.util.AbstractList.remove( at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable.delete( 这种异常其实很常见,remove操作不支持,为什么会出现不支持的情况呢?检查


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); HelloThread thread; thread.start(); qDebug() << "hello from GUI thread " << app.thread()->currentThreadId(); thread.wait(); // do not exit before the thread is c

android内存优化-Activity, Thread引起的内存泄露0

Android编程中一个共同的困难就是协调Activity的生命周期和长时间运行的任务(task),并且要避免可能的内存泄露.思考下面Activity的代码,在它启动的时候开启一个线程并循环执行任务. 1 /** 2 * 一个展示线程如何在配置变化中存活下来的例子(配置变化会导致创 3 * 建线程的Activity被销毁).代码中的Activity泄露了,因为线程被实 4 * 例为一个匿名类实例,它隐式地持有外部Activity实例,因此阻止Activity 5 * 被回收. 6 */ 7 pu

守护线程以及要使用时注意的一点(Daemon Thread)

在Java中有两类线程:User Thread(用户线程).Daemon Thread(守护线程) Daemon的作用是为其他线程的运行提供便利服务,比如垃圾回收线程就是一个很称职的守护者.User和Daemon两者几乎没有区别,唯一的不同之处就在于虚拟机的离开:如果 User Thread已经全部退出运行了,只剩下Daemon Thread存在了,虚拟机也就退出了. 因为没有了被守护者,Daemon也就没有工作可做了,也就没有继续运行程序的必要了. 值得一提的是,守护线程并非只有虚拟机内部提供


线程 是程序中的执行线程.Java 虚拟机允许应用程序并发地运行多个执行线程. 每个线程都有一个优先级,高优先级线程的执行优先于低优先级线程.每个线程都可以或不可以标记为一个守护程序.当某个线程中运行的代码创建一个新 Thread 对象时,该新线程的初始优先级被设定为创建线程的优先级,并且当且仅当创建线程是守护线程时,新线程才是守护程序. 当 Java 虚拟机启动时,通常都会有单个非守护线程(它通常会调用某个指定类的 main 方法).Java 虚拟机会继续执行线程,直到下列任一情况出现时为止:


在看源代码前,先学习一个关键字:__thread. 线程共享进程的数据,如果想要每个线程都有一份独立的数据,那么可以使用__thread关键字修饰数据. __thread只能用于修饰POD类型的数据,不能修饰class,因为它无法调用构造函数和析构函数.__thread可以修饰全局变量.函数内的静态变量,不能修饰函数内的局部变量或class的普通成员变量. 在muduo/base/thread.{h, cc}中实现了线程的封装.thread的封装和一个命名空间muduo::CurrentThre

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Android中的Handler, Looper, MessageQueue和Thread

Android中的Handler, Looper, MessageQueue和Thread 前几天,和同事探讨了一下Android中的消息机制,探究了消息的发送和接收过程以及与线程之间的关系.虽然我们经常使用这些基础的东西,但对于其内部原理的了解,能使我们更加容易.合理地架构系统,并避免一些低级错误. 对于这部分的内容,将分成4小节来描述: 1.职责与关系 2.消息循环 3.线程与更新 4.几点小结 ------------------------------------------------


Thread类中会影响thread生命周期的方法有: package java.lang; public class Thread implements Runnable {     public void start();     public void run();     public void stop();                                //已废除,勿使用     public void resume();