OpenERP-隐藏多对多域弹出列表视图的"新建"按钮(Hide the "Create" button from the popup list view of a many2many field)


Hiding the "Create" button from the popup list view of a many2many field. Example shown as below:

1. 在.py文件中定义many2many的field:

1. Define a many2many field in the python source file

'a_m2m_field': fields.many2many('test2', 'test1_test_rel', 'test1_id', 'test2_id', string='M2M Field'),

2. 修改view_form.js,在大约4939行的位置,添加"var ctx = ..."至代码结尾的内容:

2. Modify the file view_form.js, insert the code from "var ctx = ..." to the end of code at about line 4939:

var $cbutton = self.$buttonpane.find(".oe_selectcreatepopup-search-create");
$ {
var ctx = self.context.__contexts[0];
if(typeof(ctx) == "string"){
    var ctxStr = ctx.replace("'", "\"", 'g');
    var context = JSON.parse(ctxStr);
    if(context.my_no_create && context.my_no_create != 0){

3. 修改XML文件,添加context:

3. Modify the XML file to add the context:

<field name="a_m2m_field" context="{'my_no_create': 1}">

OpenERP-隐藏多对多域弹出列表视图的"新建"按钮(Hide the "Create" button from the popup list view of a many2many field),布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-09 16:17:13

OpenERP-隐藏多对多域弹出列表视图的"新建"按钮(Hide the "Create" button from the popup list view of a many2many field)的相关文章


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