hdu 3307 Description has only two Sentences (欧拉函数+快速幂)

Description has only two Sentences
Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 852 Accepted Submission(s): 259

Problem Description
an = X*an-1 + Y and Y mod (X-1) = 0.
Your task is to calculate the smallest positive integer k that ak mod a0 = 0.

Each line will contain only three integers X, Y, a0 ( 1 < X < 231, 0 <= Y < 263, 0 < a0 < 231).

For each case, output the answer in one line, if there is no such k, output "Impossible!".

Sample Input
2 0 9

Sample Output


HDOJ Monthly Contest – 2010.02.06

wxl | We have carefully selected several similar problems for you: 3308 3309 3306 3310 3314


 1 //31MS    236K    1482 B    G++
 2 /*
 4     又是不太懂的数学题,求ak,令ak%a0==0
 6     欧拉函数+快速幂:
 7          欧拉函数相信都知道了。
 8          首先这题推出来的公式为:
 9              ak=a0+y/(x-1)*(x^k-1);
11          明显a0是可以忽略的,其实就是要令
12              y/(x-1)*(x^k-1) % a0 == 0;
13          可令 m=a0/(gcd(y/(x-1),a0)),然后就求k使得
14              (x^k-1)%m==0 即可
15              即 x^k==1(mod m)
17          又欧拉定理有:
18               x^euler(m)==1(mod m)  (x与m互质,不互质即无解)
20          由抽屉原理可知 x^k 的余数必在 euler(m) 的某个循环节循环。
21          故求出最小的因子k使得 x^k%m==1,即为答案
23 */
24 #include<stdio.h>
25 #include<stdlib.h>
26 #include<math.h>
27 __int64 e[1005],id;
28 int cmp(const void*a,const void*b)
29 {
30     return *(int*)a-*(int*)b;
31 }
32 __int64 euler(__int64 n)
33 {
34     __int64 m=(__int64)sqrt(n+0.5);
35     __int64 ret=1;
36     for(__int64 i=2;i<=m;i++){
37         if(n%i==0){
38             ret*=i-1;n/=i;
39         }
40         while(n%i==0){
41             ret*=i;n/=i;
42         }
43     }
44     if(n>1) ret*=n-1;
45     return ret;
46 }
47 __int64 Gcd(__int64 a,__int64 b)
48 {
49     return b==0?a:Gcd(b,a%b);
50 }
51 void find(__int64 n)
52 {
53     __int64 m=(__int64)sqrt(n+0.5);
54     id=0;
55     for(__int64 i=1;i<m;i++)
56         if(n%i==0){
57             e[id++]=i;
58             e[id++]=n/i;
59         }
60     if(m*m==n) e[id++]=m;
61 }
62 __int64 Pow(__int64 a,__int64 b,__int64 mod)
63 {
64     __int64 t=1;
65     while(b){
66         if(b&1) t=(t*a)%mod;
67         a=(a*a)%mod;
68         b/=2;
69     }
70     return t;
71 }
72 int main(void)
73 {
74     __int64 x,y,a;
75     while(scanf("%I64d%I64d%I64d",&x,&y,&a)!=EOF)
76     {
77         if(y==0){
78             puts("1");
79             continue;
80         }
81         __int64 m=a/(Gcd(y/(x-1),a));
82         if(Gcd(m,x)!=1){
83             puts("Impossible!");
84             continue;
85         }
86         __int64 p=euler(m);
87         find(p);
88         qsort(e,id,sizeof(e[0]),cmp);
89         for(int i=0;i<id;i++){
90             if(Pow(x,e[i],m)==1){
91                 printf("%I64d\n",e[i]);
92                 break;
93             }
94         }
95     }
96     return 0;
97 }

hdu 3307 Description has only two Sentences (欧拉函数+快速幂),布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-30 16:56:28

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