水晶报表初体验(Visual Studio 2010)




 <%@ Register Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"
    Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" TagPrefix="CR" %>

<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="ReTransport" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true" />


public void GetList()
            ReportDocument doc = new ReportDocument();
            // rpt文件路径
            ReTransport.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None;
            Maticsoft.BLL.list.Lists pro = new Maticsoft.BLL.list.Lists();
            if (Session["CrystalData"]!=null)
                this.ReTransport.ReportSource = doc;



最后贴上Visual Studio 2010的水晶报表安装包下载地址:http://yunpan.cn/QC9fWzZdj64ER(提取码:a7b9)

水晶报表初体验(Visual Studio 2010)

时间: 2024-11-05 11:24:29

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