Python - 定制pattern的string模板(template) 详解

定制pattern的string模板(template) 详解


string.Templatepattern是一个正则表达式, 可以通过覆盖pattern属性, 定义新的正则表达式.

如: 使用新的定界符"{{", 把{{var}}作为变量语法.


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Created on 2014.6.5

@author: Administrator

@edition : python 3.3.0, eclipse pydev

import string

t = string.Template(‘$var‘)

class MyTemplate(string.Template):
    delimiter = ‘{{‘
    pattern = r‘‘‘
      (?P<escaped>\{\{) |   # Escape sequence of two delimiters
      (?P<named>[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)\}\}      |   # delimiter and a Python identifier
      {(?P<braced>[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)}\}\}   |   # delimiter and a braced identifier
      (?P<invalid>)              # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs

t2 = MyTemplate(‘‘‘

print(‘MATCHES: ‘, t2.pattern.findall(t2.template))
print(‘SUBSTITUTED: ‘, t2.safe_substitute(var=‘replacement‘))


      (?P<escaped>\$) |   # Escape sequence of two delimiters
      (?P<named>[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)      |   # delimiter and a Python identifier
      {(?P<braced>[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)}   |   # delimiter and a braced identifier
      (?P<invalid>)              # Other ill-formed delimiter exprs

MATCHES:  [(‘{{‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘), (‘‘, ‘var‘, ‘‘, ‘‘)]

Python - 定制pattern的string模板(template) 详解

时间: 2024-12-27 07:21:58

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